26. Live Together

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Live Together

Lawrence's POV

(on the way to Axel's penthouse, Mon, July 31, 2023, 22:40)

It was already getting late, and our dearest Ava fell asleep in Axel's arms. I looked at her, and I couldn't believe I was able to touch her. Axel allowed me to, but the biggest surprise was that Ava didn't even hesitate to give in. It was so shocking and ineffable at the same time. At this time, I wasn't even sure what had gone into Axel's mind that he had let me do it with him, but I couldn't explain my feelings. I liked her before and somehow managed to tone it down because I knew Axel's strong feelings towards her. I was able to control my emotions and act naturally towards her. I became protective of her, and Axel was aware of it, and I was sure he greatly appreciated it.

'I really have to talk to him about this later. I can't deny I loved every second of what we did to Ava since the car, but I don't want to hope either. I am afraid my feelings will become uncontrollable and be hurt in the end. I have to make things clear, especially with Axel and Ava.'

I thought.

"We have to go home now. Our baby girl is tired."

I said, looking at the most angelic face I had ever seen. Axel agreed and stood up, carrying Ava in a bridal way. We bid our goodbyes and went ahead. The men opened the doors when we reached outside, and I entered first. Axel gave me Ava, so I put her on my lap. When Axel got in, the doors closed, and we went to the penthouse. Axel didn't get Ava away; instead, he leaned and gave Ava a soft kiss on her lips. She was sound asleep. We had really tired her.

"Let's talk later, Lawrence."

I nodded. I understood why. Well, at least I wasn't the only one thinking about this situation. The ride was quiet and fast, and we arrived.


(at Axel's penthouse, Mon, July 31, 2023, 23.05)

We arrived at the penthouse, and Axel got out first. He took Ava again in his arms and carried her to his room. I followed them and was about to go to my room when Axel called me.

"Lawrence, come directly to my room after you have freshened up."

That's all he said and turned around. I went straight to my bathroom and had a quick bath. I can still smell Ava on me. God!

'This is frustrating. Now, I am having second thoughts about my feelings. Should I keep it hidden or let it out in the open? I thought I had already figured out that I wouldn't feel anything for her, but after what happened today, it's just hard to ignore. I know the "talk" Axel will have with me will be about her, and I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. I don't understand why, but I feel excited and scared at the same time. OF FUCK THIS! Whatever it is, I will have to face it.'

I thought and immediately finished bathing and took a white T-shirt and black loose pants. I brushed my hand into my hair, took a deep breath, and headed to Axel's room. I entered the room and saw Ava sleeping soundly on the bed. Axel had already changed her into his shirt. Axel was in the bathroom, and I could hear the shower running. I approached the bed and sat on the side, staring at her. She was facing the windows, so her back was on me. She had a small smile, curled up on the bed, and looked like an angel and a baby at the same time.

I touched her cheek softly, and her smile widened a little. I wonder what she must have felt today, and I couldn't help but wish I was one of the reasons for her smile. The shower turned off, and I heard the bathroom door open. Axel came out in his towel and went directly to his closet. He was in his pajamas and a black T-shirt when he got out.

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