39. A Taste Of Hell

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A Taste Of Hell

Christopher's POV

(somewhere in the outskirts of NYC, Sat, September 9, 2023, almost midnight)

Axel's group was heading to an abandoned building where Dumas used to hide the women they would sell; Lawrence's headed to another abandoned building near Dumas' club; My group headed to a secluded area that Xavier said was his villa.

While lost in thoughts, my phone chimed. Alexander made a group chat.

'Huh! After so many years, this is our first time in a group chat.'

I thought.

Lawrence sent a message saying they had arrived at the abandoned building. It was the nearest among the three locations, but he said it was empty.

I sighed. I'm becoming more and more frustrated and desperate! How could we let our guard down? There were three of us! FUCKING THREE! We had a lot of men, but the fucking shit was still able to get her!

'I am not going to let you go off easily, you motherfucker!! You messed with the wrong Mafias! Of all the fucking Mafia, you really had to mess with us! The FUCKING COBRA AND THE WOLVES! We're going to hunt you down, asshole! Just wait!'

I clenched my teeth., pinched my nose and closed my eyes.

A few minutes later, my phone chimed again. I quickly opened the message, hoping to get good news, but it was still the same. Axel said the building had people, but Dumas wasn't there, nor was Ava.

I almost threw my phone!

"FUCK!!!!! Where are you, Ava?!!"

I screamed, startling the people with me. I texted everyone to get to the last location. We may still need to be sure, but I felt we would find Ava soon.

'Ava, sweetheart, please let us know where you are. Please scream. Please scream for us, sweetheart.'

I thought, silently praying that I would find Ava and bring her home.

"We're almost there, Don. I can see the vans."

That gave me hope. I immediately texted them that the vans were there. They replied they were on their way. It will take them only a short time to get here.

We parked our cars at a distance and got off. We wore our earpieces and bulletproofs and sneaked into the fences. Then I heard the only thing I'd been praying to hear—Ava's screams.

I sent a voice message to the group chat.

"Ava's here. Hurry up! I'm going in!"

That's all I said, and I instructed everyone to kill everyone they see silently but to leave the ones who took Ava from the hall. All the men upfront died from suppressed gunshots, not alarming the others. I went through the front door with some of my men.

"Don't kill Dumas. I want him alive. We'll play with him first before we send him to hell."

I spoke quietly through the earpiece. I followed Ava's screams. God! Her screams were so painful to hear, but that was what I needed right now. The screams led me to a room at the far end. I couldn't hold myself anymore. I kicked the door, and it slammed on the floor. The scene I saw would haunt me for the rest of my life!

Dumas was on top of Ava! FUCKING SHIT! I grabbed him immediately, not giving him time to process his shock. I pulled him away from Ava, who was already unconscious, maybe from too much screaming or pain this asshole gave her.

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