66. Kayson and Kayden Taylor-Moore

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Kayson and Kayden Taylor-Moore

Author's POV

Time flies so fast. They celebrated Isabel's 19th birthday in March. They had a blast, and they talked as well. Ava gathered the girls together and assured her that she didn't have to be insecure with them. They told her that they were all sisters and they were a family.

May came. Christopher and Emery finalized Zayn's adoption and celebrated his 6th birthday. Zayn was considered the first son of their Mafia circle. At the same time as the birthday celebration, Christopher asked Emery to marry him. It was a triple celebration and Zayn was the happiest that day.

Two weeks later, Alexander and Olivia got married and everyone celebrated them. They received lavish gifts from their circle. The Kings had originally planned to have a month-long honeymoon in Japan. However, due to Ava's pregnancy due date, they decided to be back before June. They wanted to be there when Ava popped the babies out.


(at Axel's and Lawrence's mansion, Wed, June 12, 2024, morning)

Ava was almost due and as much as Axel and Lawrence wanted to stay at the mansion, Ava knew they had some significant business meetings to deal with. Axel and Lawrence had to go with frowns and creases on their foreheads.


(at the Moore Estate)

Axel and Lawrence were in a sour mood. They had been subtly arguing with Ava since before June started about going to the office. Both men wanted to stay at home and Ava seemed to be pushing them away.

Alvin spotted them coming out of the elevator and he saw their faces. He'd been seeing those expressions for a few weeks and somehow got used to it. After all, Axel and Lawrence had never taken their distress on him, and Alvin also understood. Ava had been calling him to check on them and Ava asked him several times to not take their anger and agitation personally.

"Good morning, Mr. Moore. Mr. Taylor. Your first meeting for today will be in twenty minutes. The conference room is up and ready. At noon, you will have a lunch meeting with the Japanese and Canadian investors. In the afternoon, you have two meetings."

Alvin kept informing them while following them to their office. He ran past them to open the door for them.

"The details and documents are ready on your desks, gentlemen. How's Ava doing?"

Alvin asked as the two men. Axel and Lawrence both stopped whatever they were doing and both sighed.

"Still a pain in the ass." _Axel.

"That little witch is so stubborn." _Lawrence.

"Wow." _Alvin.

"I swear, she's gonna get what she's looking for after she gives birth." _Axel.

"We're going to bang her so hard and she's going to get pregnant again." _Lawrence.

"Whoa. Whoa. Guys. I don't need to hear that!" _Alvin.

"She's punishing us!" _Axel.

"For what?!" _Alvin.

"Oh, please. Don't act like you don't know. We know she'd been calling you. We're Mafias!" _Lawrence.

"Yow, chill! Okay, fine. Why not just give in to her requests? She's pregnant and is about to pop any moment! She's horny. It's normal! You were torturing her." _Alvin.

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