47. Best Birthday Gift Ever!

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Best Birthday Gift Ever!

Author's POV

(at Axel's and Lawrence's mansion, Mon, December 4, 2023, 04:00)

Ava felt something on her stomach. She tried to move but couldn't because again, two arms were wrapping her. She usually didn't mind it as she loved feeling her men so close to her, but this time, she felt suffocated.

She forcefully removed the two big arms wrapping her and jumped off the bed to the bathroom. She leaned down to the toilet and let everything out. Then she felt her hair being removed from her face and a hand rubbing her back.

"Angel, what happened?"

Axel asked. Ava continued to throw up. Lawrence kept rubbing her back and Axel kept her hair up. She was sniffing and closing her eyes, deeply breathing.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

Lawrence asked.

"I don't know. My head hurts!"

Ava responded, quite irritated. She tried to stand up, so Axel and Lawrence helped her. She brushed her teeth and washed her face, and they all went out of the bathroom.

"What time is it?"

Ava asked as they got back to the bed. Lawrence checked his phone.

"It's twenty past four, Baby."

He answered.

"I feel hot. I'll just change my clothes."

Ava said, then stood up from the bed but Axel stopped her.

"Angel, I'll get you new clothes. Please lie down still." _Axel.

"I'll get you medicine, Baby. Would you like some chicken soup? I will reheat a bowl for you." _Lawrence.

She nodded at both her men, and she stayed on the bed. She was irritated by them all of a sudden but she was still glad that her men would always take care of her. Axel went back to her and gave her a more comfortable set of clothes. He helped her get changed, and he had to stop himself from drooling over Ava's body.

Lawrence then entered with a tray. He sat beside Ava and Axel helped him place it on her lap. Axel then took a hair tie from his bedside table and pulled Ava's hair up, and then Lawrence started to feed her with the chicken soup.

Ava was again irritated. She didn't understand why but she didn't like them touching her and feeding her like this.

"Umm, Lawrence, I can eat by myself."

She said, shocking Axel and Lawrence because of her cold tone.

"Angel, are you okay? Did we do something wrong?"

Axel asked.

"No, I'm fine! Can you please stop talking for a while? My head hurts!"

She answered, her tone was harsh, and Axel and Lawrence got silent. Ava realized what she had done but chose to ignore it as she couldn't understand what she was feeling at that moment. She finished her soup in silence, while the men kept exchanging looks.

The men thought Ava's demeanor was strange, but chose to keep quiet as they were scared of how Ava would react. They let her eat in silence. After she was done, Lawrence took the tray and put it on his bedside table.

"I'm sorry."

They heard Ava's soft voice.

"Why, Angel?"

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