58. Godparents

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Author's POV

(at the mall, Fri, December 22, 2023, noontime)

Ava, Axel, and Lawrence arrived. As usual, they got the people's attention. They went directly to the babies' area and checked on a lot of things. They didn't know the sex of the babies yet, but Ava had been confident of having two boys.

Jackson and Marco were following them, each holding a trolley for Ava's picks. Axel and Lawrence also went around and picked their choices, followed by Leo and King. Ava reminded them to pick two of each.

They ended up filling more than five big trolleys. They got to the clerk to pay. Ava was about to take her card, but Lawrence stopped her, and Axel handed a black and gold card to the clerk.

"Baby, you don't have to pay for it. Axel and I already set up a joint account for our family. But we know that you would react to it, so we have decided to have you there, too. Okay?"

"Oh, wow. That's nice. Thank you for not leaving me out. So, how does it work? How do I put money in there?"

Ava asked. They sat on the bench as it would take a while before the clerk could finish everything.

"Lawrence's and my account are already connected to it. It will automatically deduct the same amount from each of our personal accounts every month. It will be the same with yours, Angel, but only a smaller amount. We didn't want to include you in this at first as we wanted to provide for you, but we know you won't like it, so we took the liberty."

"After all, it's our family, Baby. We know how important this is for you. We apologize that we didn't talk to you about it at first. But, we promise that we will always talk to you first about everything in the future."

Ava smiled at them. Though she wasn't informed about this, she appreciated their efforts in setting up everything for their soon-to-be growing family.

"Thank you, Axel. Lawrence. I appreciate it very much. And yes, please. I want to be part of every decision. I'm not saying that you have to follow everything I say, but at least, I want to be able to voice my opinion. You are the men in this family so you will be the one to have the final say."

Ava said, looking at them with sincerity. Axel and Lawrence smiled at her.

"Angel, it's not always going to fall on us. Whatever plans we have in the future, we will talk about them, and we will decide on them together."

"Oh, I'm so excited! We are really going to be a big family very soon. That's because of you, Baby! You gave us the most precious gifts in the world!"

"You're complimenting me too much, you know. We all made these babies. So, we all gave each other gifts."

They all chuckled at what Ava said, but the men agreed. They made the babies.

After a while, the clerk finally finished scanning everything. She finally swiped the card and returned it. It took six baggers to pack everything and they placed them in big trolleys.

Ava got hungry so they decided to eat at the mall. Ava, Axel, Lawrence, and their main guards, Leo, King, Jackson, Marco, and The Four, went to find a restaurant to eat, while some of their men took the trolleys to put the things they purchased in their vehicles.

They decided to eat Chinese and later found a Chinese restaurant. Jackson texted the other men where they were, and soon they arrived. After lunch, they went to the department store to buy gifts for their friends, the orphanage, and their employees.

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