19. Surprises

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(on the way to somewhere I don't know, Sun, July 30, 2023, some time past 13:00)

Ava's POV

I had fun during lunch. We talked about the company and the things that were expected of me. Starting tomorrow, I will be Mr. Moore's official personal assistant. That means I will mostly be with him and Lawrence wherever they go.

Since he doesn't have a secretary, they will put another advertisement. But this time, they both want a male. They cannot tolerate it anymore if it is someone like Riva again. Well, I'd prefer that. I don't want any other women near Mr. Moore.

'Getting possessive now, huh?' my subconscious said.

'No, I'm not.", I answered back.

'In denial, too, I see.' why can't it shut up?

I ignored my subconscious.

My thoughts went back to the confrontation earlier. I know Mr. Dumas is not a good one. He is bad news. Mr. Moore and Sir Lawrence suddenly became overprotective.

I saw their gestures. I was observing them. I knew Mr. Moore was about to do something to defend me, even Sir Lawrence and the men behind us.

But I wanted to show them that I could handle it. What I said was true. I don't get easily offended and insulted. I've had my fair share of people who tried to insult and humiliate me, but I didn't let them get into my head. I have learned how to stand up for myself.

The reaction I got from them when I confronted Mr. Dumas was not new to me. I didn't do it to impress them. I couldn't let him do that to me and let Mr. Moore or other people defend me.

I wasn't even bothered by what Mr. Dumas said about Mr. Moore. I already knew what he meant. When I finished cleaning up my room this morning, I checked on Mr. Moore online. I've been wondering why he would always have cars following him around.

And my thoughts were correct. I wasn't surprised at all.

I discovered that he isn't only the C.E.O. of Moore Estate. He is also a Mafia boss. Did that scare me? Not a bit. I know that nothing will happen to me as long as I don't go against him or betray his trust.

I may be shy and quiet all the time, but I am not ignorant. I observe things, and I do it subtly.

And I know he's not going to hurt me. I know there's an attraction between us. We have a connection. I feel it. It all started when we first met. I see the attraction keeps getting stronger, and I have proven it when he tried to protect me by grabbing my waist in the restaurant when Mr. Dumas showed up.

I am also attracted to him. He's the first man ever to get my attention. But I won't force things between us. I'm going to let it go with the flow. Whatever happens, I am all for it.

Anyway, a few more minutes passed before the car stopped in front of a tall building.

"We're here," Lawrence said while unbuckling his seatbelt. He went down the car and opened my door for me. Leo did the same for Mr. Moore.

Mr. Moore and Leo walked around the car toward us.

"This building is just ten minutes away from the company. You can walk there with no problem. And at least you won't have any problem with transportation either.", Mr. Moore said.

"Let's go check it out.', Lawrence said excitedly. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Yes, let's go!" I said with the same energy. I hooked my left arm to his right and headed to the entrance.

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