51. Dead

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❗ The first small part of this chapter contains killing, disturbing, and gore scenes. If you are sensitive, please scroll down to the next scene. ❗

Author's POV

(at Axel's and Lawrence's mansion, Tue, December 5, 2023, 13:55)

Mama Mina entered the house from the garden and was confused to see Axel's and Lawrence's bodyguards. She knew the men didn't go home at this time. Leo, King, and the rest bowed at Mama Mina, and she waved at them.

She continued walking inside the mansion and met Axel and Lawrence. They just came from their bedroom to drop Ava off.

"Axel, Lawrence. Why are you here?"

Mama Mina asked, and the two men halted.

"We just dropped Ava, Mama Mina. We met and had lunch with her today." _Axel.

"She is asleep now. She seemed to get tired more easily now that she's pregnant." _Lawrence.

"She also gets more hungry. I'll prepare food for her for when she wakes up."

Mama Mina said, making the men laugh.

"Thank you, Mama Mina. We have to go now."

Axel said as they both kissed Mama Mina on her cheeks. They headed outside and got into their vehicles. When they were gone, Mama Mina went straight to the kitchen. She gathered some ingredients for her chicken soup and Ava's other favorite food.

Mama Mina needed some vegetables, so she went to the backyard, which had a vast vegetable garden. She exited the kitchen to the dirty kitchen, then passed another door. When she was out, she heard a woman speaking.

Mama Mina wasn't one to eavesdrop or mind other people's conversations. Still, she halted when she heard what the woman was saying. She couldn't see where she was, so she made her steps as quietly and carefully as possible.

A panel divider was just before she could turn left, so she hid and listened. She had to cover her mouth to keep herself from screaming. The woman was on a phone call.

"Yeah, she's at home. Her lovers just dropped her off, and they left."


"I just can't get in there. Ava would have bodyguards outside her room, or the dogs would be with her inside. And honestly, I can deal with the guards, but not the dogs."


"Just calm down, okay? I am already working on it. Don't do anything stupid. Let me handle it."


"Well, any of your plans failed. Just sit tight there! Let me take care of it! I will get rid of her, and we will take each one of the men. I can't wait to lay my hands on Lawrence. God, he's so hot!"


"I don't like Axel. He's so strict, and he hasn't even smiled at me. After I'm done with Ava, you will have Axel. I promise that!"

And soon, the call ended. The woman looked around and saw Mama Mina glaring at her. Mama Mina heard everything. When she realized the old lady had listened to the conversation, she approached her. Mama Mina tried to run away, but the woman got to her and quickly grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going to, old lady?"

She asked Mama Mina with a creepy smirk on her face.

"You are evil! What are you trying to do with Ava? Huh?! I will not let you do that! If Axel and Lawrence hear about this, they will make sure you will suffer before you die!"

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