A U T H O R ' S N O T E

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Hellooooooo, I want to thank you all for sticking with me. It's been a very long and at times painful journey. We've made it to the end :)

I'm so grateful for every single one of you, for the reads, the votes, the comments. You all make my day so much better, especially because this started off as a silly little pastime.

I was supposed to end the book long ago, like when the World Cup ended 😩 and then there was demand for more and who was I to say no ?

I'm glad I continued, this has been fun. Thank you again for reading <333 it means so much to me.

This is not the end of me though. Give me like a week or so to reread the book and correct any mistakes I may have forgotten; truthfully I haven't read some of these chapters in MONTHS and I'd like to. I've got some interesting ideas for the next book, if you liked this, hope you continue their journey in "The Star Crossed Lovers."

I wish I could give you all a set schedule for my posts, but I'm a busy bee and so unpredictable, I'm sorry 😩 also, this shit takes TIME. Like if I show you guys the amount of fucking research I've done for this book... it's been a rough time. I have like a notebook with World Cup groups, matches, scores, and time zones, an a bunch of shit 😭 you don't even wanna know how I wrote the games 🫣 actually those were easier to write since most of it was already written for me, that's why I was getting like two chapters a day then. It's still a lot of work haha, so just bare with me, but I promise a sequel is on the way ❤️

Thank you all once again, and I'll see you soon 😚


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