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I woke up at 1:17pm. I knew I'd be waking up late, but now I've overslept and I'm tired. I look over for Cris only to find a note saying he's left with Antonio and Nuno; I was fine with it, I had a busy day ahead of me, Frankie and I were meant to be at the practice studio at 3:15pm and who knows how long we'd be there. There'd be people there meeting with us to greet us and discuss the plans with us. There was a certain set design for one piece we did and needed help recreating it; we'd also need help setting it up the day of, putting it onstage and taking it off. We'd also need to practice getting in and out of costume incredibly fast as to not keep the crowd waiting too long.

I quickly got ready and got my duffle bag ready with everything I'd need. The time was now 1:45pm so I texted Frankie to meet me outside since our hotels were next to each other. It was still early so we were going to go grab a bite. I see him walking out of the hotel and I call to him.

"Do you want me to get the car ?" He asks.

"Everything is relatively close so we can walk," I say and he agrees.

We head down to this coffee shop that was around the corner from the hotels. Once we arrived, we both ordered and sat down.

"What's new with you ?" He asks. "Tell me about the new boyfriend."

"It's João," I laugh, we're obviously not dating. It was just a joke made by the group chat because Hayes was brought up. He's in Qatar by the way," I say taking a bite out of my cheese danish.

"What ?!" He asks.

"Yeah Nash texted me, and last night Pedri and Gavi told me they ran into him at lunch. Apparently he was death staring Pepi," I inform him "all while he was with a girl."

"Meredith ?" He asks.

"Yup," I say.

"Does your dad know ?" He asks and I shake my head no. "Mati he's gonna freak."

"I know... well I don't know if he'll freak but he won't be happy, I'll tell him soon," I say.

We continued making small talk and we finished up our drinks and food. Once we finished we made our way over to the studio. We arrived a bit early but it didn't matter. When we arrived, the crew that would be helping us were watching the dances and working on recreating the sets. Frankie and I had those dances down, we mostly needed a run down perhaps on the last two practice days, so today was dedicated to helping with the sets and props, and getting to know the people that were helping us put this all together.

We worked for a while and once 6:30pm rolled around we decided that'd be a good stopping point. Frankie and I said our goodbyes and headed back to the hotels.

"Family dinner tonight, you wanna come ?" I ask him.

"Sounds like fun but I've got team dinner," he says, "I'm there next time for sue."

"We're heading out at 7:15, so I've got to get going, but I'll catch you later ?" I ask as I begin to walk away.

"See you later, say hello to your family for me," he says.

"Will do," I call out as I head inside.

As I hurry into the lobby, I'm struggling to pull my phone out of my pocket. As soon as I pull my phone out I accidentally run into someone, and my phone tumbled out of my hands.

"I'm so sorry," the boy says kneeling down to pick up my phone.

"You're good João," I say.

"Oh it's you, I was just about to text you, we're gonna go out, enjoy the night and play some games, you're coming right ?" He asks.

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora