S E V E N T Y - O N E

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Hugo <3

Me: I've just landed
You better be awake or I'm waking up your brother.

Hugo: Relaaaaaxxxxx
I'm at the airport waiting for you 🤗

Hugo: RelaaaaaxxxxxI'm at the airport waiting for you 🤗

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Got us a table at this cafe :)

(A N || While on the subject of coffee, I'd like to remind you all that Starbucks supports genocide, I do not. Palestine deserves to be free. Y'all better be boycotting Starbucks !! )

Me: It's too early for coffee
Get me a galão

Hugo: Yes ma'am 🫡

Me: See you soon :)

I bring my phone out as I hop off the plane and dial Gio.

"I've just landed," I say as she answers the phone, "I'm gonna go look for my luggage and then Hugo."

"Keep me updated, baby, be safe," she whispers.

"Will do, I'll text you," I say.

"Okay, I love you," she whispers again.

"I love you too," I say hanging up.

I walk over to baggage claims and look for my suitcases. Once I find them, I grab them and walk around looking for Hugo and the cafe.

"Jesus Christ, Sof, do you think maybe you've under packed ?" Hugo asks sarcastically.

"I packed for England," I informed him.

"You could've just sent it all directly to England," he says in a duh tone pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm calling your brother," I warn as we pull away.

"You wouldn't dare," he says.

"Try me," I warn.

"Okay, okay," he says putting his hands up in surrender.

We made small talk which mainly consisted of him filling me in on what's going on with him and Nessa. He said she's flying out to Lisboa to see him play when he gets back from injury. I know it's hard to dream of a them because their lives couldn't be more different and they've got different priorities, but it's nice to dream.

We decided to head to his house because while we sat and conversed, we were interrupted a total of eight times by fans wanting to take photos.

"Why wasn't this an issue in Funchal ?" He groans as he loads my luggage into the car.

"It's small," I shrug, "I'm around often, so if I'm stopped when with family, it's probably a tourist, everyone else waits til I'm alone, or hopes they'll see me around again."

He nods, "let's get you home to rest," he says hopping in the car. "Okay, so as far as sleeping arrangements go, I've got you in the guest room if you're up for a nap and tonight you can sleep with João."

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now