F O U R T Y - F O U R

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"Hey can I borrow your car ?" Hugo comes up to me.

"Yeah, keys are in my room,"I say, "where are you guys going ?"

"Not now, later, I have to pick someone up from the airport," he says.

"Yeah, that's fine," I smile at him.

"Uhhh, don't tell João," he says, "it's a surprise."

"You got it," I say to him as we part ways.

"Good luck," Cris tells me.

"Behave," I say to him. "You staying with them ?" I ask Nessa.

"I think so, I'll let you two have your alone time," she laughs.

"I'll walk you, c'mon on," João says.

"Actually, I've got it," I say as we step into a separate elevator from the group, "I'll be back in like an hour or so."

"Really ?" He pouts, "can we meet at our spot later ?"

I shake my head and kiss his lips. "Nope, I've got a better idea," I say. "Press this button," I show him which one. "I'll text you when. I'll meet you there."

"Okay," he smiles at me as the doors open on our floor and he steps out. He checks to see if the coast is clear and pulls me in for a kiss.

I ride the elevator up to my parent's suite and knock on the door upon my arrival. Gio opens the door and gives me a comforting smile. When I walk in, my dad was on the kitchen table with my phone right in front of him. I take a seat directly in front of him.

"Hi," I say.

"Talk," he says.

"What do you want to know ?" I ask as Gio takes a seat besides me.

"Everything," my dad sighs.

"I don't even know where to start," I say.

"Who is unknown ?" He asks.

"João's ex girlfriend," I say. "She's 'working with'" I say making finger quotes, "Voldemort. He thinks João and I are not anything so it's best if I keep my distance with João which she helps with, she tells me when he has eyes on us and whatnot."

"Who the hell is Voldemort ?" He asks.

"You've never seen Harry Potter ?" Gio asks.

"I raised a Potter head, of course I've seen it, but I don't think they're talking about the darkest wizard in the wizarding world," my dad says and I laugh.

"He may as well be," I laugh. "Voldemort is Hayes, my ex, the name came about because Magui kept calling him you know who."

"Hold up, your ex ?" He asks.

"He's behind all this," I say.

"Why are you taking orders from your ex basically ?" My dad asks annoyed.

"Okay, now you see why João is annoyed with me, he doesn't know who unknown is because Magui doesn't want him to know yet," I sigh. "Hayes has something on Magui, I don't know what it is, but that's not right."

"Why are you playing his game then ?" He asks frustrated, "let's call the police."

"We can't, Magui is scared," I sigh, "and if we call the police he'll delete everything and we'll all just seem crazy."

"And you're helping this girl because ?" He asks.

"Because that's how I was raised," I say in a duh tone, "kind, compassionate, caring to others," I shrug. "Look she helped me, she's the reason João and I are even talking right now, after Hayes cornered me, I would've sent João to hell myself, simply because I didn't want to get hurt. She reached out to me and talked to me, the least I could do is help her," I sigh.

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