S E V E N T Y - F O U R

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Hugo's POV

"Hugo," I hear my mom call out.

"Hold on, let me see what my mom wants," I tell Nessa. "Yeah," I call out stepping out of my room.

"What was the purpose of date night ?" She asks.

"He's gonna give her the promise ring no ?" I ask confused.

"What promise ring is he giving her ?" She asks holding out the velvet box in her hand containing the engagement and promise ring.

"What an idiot," I sigh.

"Oh god," Nessa laughs, "crash the date."

"They've been gone what ?" I ask my mom, "like an hourish ?"

"About, yeah," my mom says.

"Nes, I'll call you back, let me shower and get dressed, I'm crashing this," I laugh taking the velvet box from my mom. "Take the engagement ring, I'm just gonna take the promise ring," I tell my mom.

"Wait, he's got both ?" Nessa asks, "show me."

I grab my phone showing her the two rings.

"Oh my god," she smiles, "Sofia is gonna love them, they're so beautiful. I'm so happy for that girl, she deserves the best. They both do."

"Okay, I'll call you when I'm out of the shower," I tell her, "I'll take a quick shower and dress all nice to third wheel the last couple of minutes."

"Bye," she laugh, "tell me everything."

"Yeah, I'll call you later," I smile at the screen as she blows me a kiss and we hang up.

"Are you sure this is a good idea ?" My mom asks.

"Should be fine," I wave her off, "I'm sure they've had plenty of time to be grossly romantic."

She leaves the promise ring on my nightstand, deciding to keep the velvet box herself since it contains the engagement ring. We can't leave it in João's possession, because the kid is an idiot and Sofia will probably eventually find it. I hop in the shower making it quick and when I'm done, I quickly get dressed.

My mom gives me a smaller box that I can put the ring in so I don't lose it. I thank her and head to my car and drive down to the restaurant.

João's POV

"I feel like this is as much alone time we'll get for the foreseeable future," I laugh.

"Oh Kai is definitely gonna make date nights hell for us," she whines.

"Have you not been behaving ?" I groan.

She shakes her head, "nope," she laughs, "to be fair, I didn't see this, didn't imagine this," she says pointing between us. "I didn't imagine I'd go to Qatar and fall deeply in love with the sexiest man I laid eyes on."

"Well second sexiest," I say, "first is Kaká."

"Right," she laughs, "know your place," she jokes. "Anyway, I planned to go and have fun, not come out with a boyfriend. I'm not mad about it, it was a very nice surprise, although I can't say I wouldn't do things differently if we got the chance to go back in time."

"On the bright side," I say, "we went through hell and still came out of it together," I reach for her hand and kiss the back of it.

"That's what I told my dad," she smiles at me, "for that, I am thankful. I can't imagine a good reason for you to want to stick besides me, but I'm so glad you have."

"I hate when you say stuff like that," I admit, "I'm so lucky to even get to share a single moment with you. I wouldn't trade you or our experience for anything in the world; I agree, if we got the chance to go back in time and redo it, I would take it, just so we can avoid all the drama with our exs and whatnot, if that's even possible, but other than that, I wouldn't change a thing. I'm so lucky to have found you, and to get the opportunity to love you. I hope you know I am not joking when I say I'm in love with you, and I see a future with you; I know you are what I want."

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