S E V E N T Y - E I G H T

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The ceremony was quick and lovely. I feel like most girls in my position, with a promise ring and being promised an engagement ring, would enjoy weddings and be planning their own in their mind, but now all that's on my mind is my music... well that and the fact that I have to see Fernanda soon and I think she's upset with me.

João grabs my hand squeezing it, sensing my nerves, I imagine. He leads me to our table and we take our seats. I pull my phone from my bag turning it on.

"No work tonight," João says snatching my phone.

"I need that," I whine.

"You do not," he states, "you can have it back at the end of the night."

"João, you can't just confiscate my phone," I protest.

"I just did," he shrugs, sticking my phone in his pocket.

"You're insufferable," I whisper.

"You love me," he whispers back.

The bride and groom make their rounds greeting all their guests. I got to meet the adorable couple, the groom was a friend of João's.

They served dinner and I made conversation with João's family ignoring João as much as I could, he was annoying me. We finished eating and João pulled me out onto the dance floor with the rest of his friends. I greeted them all, and danced with them for a bit.

I spot Antonio, and slowly dance over to him. "Let me borrow your phone," I say. I've known him longer, his loyalties should lie with me.

"No," he says.

"Antonio," I whine.

"Why do you want it ?" He asks.

"I don't know," I sigh, "but there's this sick feeling in my stomach," I admit.

He gives me a small smile shaking my head, "trust your gut, Sofia, you have no business being online now."

"What do you know ?" I ask.

"That you shouldn't be on social media right now," he states.

I huff, this day couldn't get any fucking worse. I walk back over to João, "phone, please."

"No," he says.

"What the fuck is going on ?" I whisper.

"You don't want to know," he says, "I promised you to take your mind off of things and I'm trying."

"This is worse," I groan walking off to the restroom.

I walk in, locking myself in a stall, I don't know what's going on but I don't like it. First, Fernanda and I have perhaps a bit of a spat, and then I can't find a single recording studio available, and now, I know there's something wrong and not knowing is worse than knowing, I feel so sick.

"Hello," I call out, but no one says anything.

TW: mentions of throwing up.

Knowing I'm alone, I lower my face onto the toilet and empty the contents of my stomach.

"Sofia ?" I hear as I flush the toilet.

I wipe my mouth walking out of the stall. I walk over to the sink to wash my mouth.

"Hey," Fernanda gives me a weak smile, "you okay ?"

"I'll be fine," I wave her off.

"You don't look fine," Ivone says.

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now