F O U R T Y - T W O

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We arrive at the hotel and I park my car. We rush into the lobby to be greeted by my group of friends.

"I'll see you guys later," Gio says kissing my cheek and then Cris'.

"I still have to change," I tell the group.

Hugo tosses me a random jersey, "put that over your shirt," he says.

"I still have time to go upstairs and change," I whine.

"The game starts in 30 minutes Sofia," Cooper complains shoving us all out of the lobby.

"Damn you for teaching him the offside rule," I tell João, "you've turned my best friend into a total fifas," I complain putting the shirt on while João just laughs. "I look very overdressed for a football game."

"You look like Gio," Cris laughs and so do I.

"She always steals the show," I say.

"She always looks really good though," Nessa says.

"She does," I laugh as we make our way to the stadium.

"How excited are you guys for quarterfinals ?" Hugo asks João.

"I'm nervous as fuck," he says.

"You guys will do great," I tell him, "you've been playing amazing, especially that last game, holy shit."

"Ya no es ilegal hablarte en público ?" (It's not illegal to speak to you in public anymore ?) he laughs.

"Fine then, I won't send words of encouragement your way," I say as we take our seats. He sits right next to me. "Sigue siendo ilegal que te sientes junto a mi," (It's still illegal for you to sit next to me) I joke.

"En serio ?" (Seriously) he asks. I was gonna say no, but just then my phone went off, I had just gotten a text message. I sigh checking the message.


Unknown: Hate to break up this beautiful romance, but eyes are on you

Me: It's fine, thanks for the heads up.

I sigh "unfortunately, it is," I say to him.

He groans and gets up annoyed sitting Hugo in between us. "Is this fine, or do you need more space between us ?" He asks annoyed. I ignore him and go on my phone to text him.

João <3

Me: I'm really sorry okay, this isn't ideal for me either, I want to sit next to you and hold your hand and cheer these goals together :(

João: I really don't understand why we cant

Me: I'm picking my battles. There are other people being hurt by his actions, not just me... it'd really suck for them to pay the price for something that has nothing to do with him.

João: Tell him to go to hell or I will.

Me: João

João: I'm tired of this Sofia, he shouldn't of have taken you for granted.
He did though
He needs to learn how to lose
Get over himself
It's over
Find some dignity

Me: Find some dignity ?
You're one to talk...
How many times did you take back your cheating ex ?
Don't talk to me about dignity.

João: C'mon Sofia, I meant him, you know that.
I'm just annoyed.
I can't be anywhere near you because he still has control over you.
It's stupid.
He needs to understand that it's over, like even if I wasn't in the picture, and you know that.
You two have been over how long ? And he's still trying to make your life miserable.
Tell him to go to hell or I will.

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now