F O U R T Y - N I N E

461 9 4

Monday, December 12, 2022 9:15AM


Me: Hey...
Just wanted to check in with you after last night, how are you ?

Hayes: Your friend is crazy

Me: Sorry on his behalf
You did swing at him first though...
How's your face ?

Hayes: He was being disrespectful
Saying shit that is none of his business
I'll survive, just a small bruise
*picture of his face*
What'd I ever do to him anyway ?
Cooper and I were always cool.

Me: Coop tolerated you... til you cheated on his best friend.
Also that's not a small bruise.

Hayes: And I've said I'm sorry like many times.
Plus I cheated on you, not him, idk why he's taking it so personal.

Me: Wow Hayes.
Because you did that shit TO ME
I cried to him for MONTHS
He doesn't even want me talking to you
He thinks if I give you the chance you'll hurt me again.

Hayes: I've said that was a mistake, and it truly was, I'm so sorry Sofia, and if I could take it back, I would
In a fucking heartbeat.

"Who you texting ?" My dad asks.

"Hayes," I laugh showing him the photo, "look at what Cooper did to him last night."

"João told me," my dad laughed, "totally deserved," he says and I nod


Hayes: Hey you there ?
I'm sorry for being an asshole
Let me make it up to you ?
Let me take you out on a date, please, I miss you.

Me: I don't know Hayes.

Hayes: Please.

Me: I'll think about it

"Random question," I say to João who has just approached me on the bench after my dad left.

"What's up ?" He asks drinking some water.

"Would you let me go on a date ?" I ask.

"You're finally allowing me to take you out in public ?" He asks excitedly, "no decoys, no disguises, just you and I ?"

"Well no..." I trail off, "I meant with Hayes."

"Fuck no," he says as he begins to pack his stuff after practice.

"João, please come on, don't be like that, babe," I whine.

"Absolutely fucking not, Sofia," he says zipping his bag.

"Can you at least think about it ?" I ask, "hell think I'm being for real about thinking about getting back together."

"I said no, that's final," he says annoyed.

I sigh and pack my stuff as well. We had just finished practice and after we got all our stuff ready, we went back to the hotel to shower and get ready for the day. I walked into my hotel room, took a quick shower and changed. I popped my head into Ruben and João's room to find it empty. I figured João was annoyed with me, but I didn't think he'd be super mad.

I sigh again and make my way up to my parent's suite. As I arrive to the suite, I find everyone is already there having breakfast. By everyone, I mean my family, João's family, and Cooper and Nessa.

"Do you need any help ?" I ask Gio.

"No baby, just grab a seat, I'll fix you a plate in a second," she smiles at me.

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