F I F T Y - F O U R

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"You're late," my dad says as we walk in.

"We're right on time," I say checking the clock on my phone and handing it to João.

"Let's go take pictures," Nessa says dragging me away.

We walk into the bathroom for like 15-20 minutes to take a few (hundred) photos. As we're looking through the pictures, I get a message from João.

João <3

João: Where are you ?
Your stupid ex gets here in like 30 minutes.

He then texts the grouch's which makes me laugh.

Jofia's fan club 🤍

João: Janessa, stop hogging my girl >:(

Nessa: Relax, relax, we're going out !!

We walk back out and I walk over to the table and take a seat. I show him the pictures and he picks out one that he likes and I post it to Instagram.

"What's with the caption ?" Hugo asks.

"I was listening to 'el señor de la noche,' by Don Omar," I laugh.

"Understandable," he laughs.

"Guys, phones away," my dad says.

"We're liking Sofia's picture on Instagram," Cooper says.

Just then we see several players take their phones out. My phone is laid out on the table on Instagram and soon enough so many notifications start rolling in, not from fans, but from the guys.

"Awwww my little fan club, I love you guys," I giggle. "Look at that, the president of my fan club just liked my post, phone way," I tell my dad.

"Hey, we need a signal for tonight," João tells me.

"The nose touch," Cris says.

"The what ?" João asks.

"The nose touch," Cris says again explaining it to him, "Sofia and I use it all the time."

"You have one hour," João tells me and I nod.


I take my phone out and text Magui.


Me: *current location*

Magui: What's this ?

Me: Be here in an hour.

"Let's switch seats," João says trying not to make it noticeable. He goes to sit across from me and I hand him my phone for him to hold onto. "He just texted you."


Hayes: Hey I'm sorry, an idiot I am, I forgot to ask if I was supposed to meet you here or pick you up.

Me: I'm here already :)

Hayes: Sweet, I'm outside

Me: Coming to get you

"You better not be sending no stupid shit, you've seen how I texted him," I tell João, "don't over do it or he'll know it's not me."

"Go get him," João says slipping my phone back into his pocket.

"Go distract dad," I tell Cris.

"I've got Ramos," cooper says.

"I've got Kaká," Hugo says.

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now