F O U R T Y - E I G H T

489 4 3

Sunday, December 11, 2022 6:15PM

"Do we have to go ?" João complained.

"Yes João, we're going, now get up," I say hitting his chest.

"Why can't we stay in bed ?" He whines pulling me on top of him.

"Because we've been in bed all day, you big baby," I say trying to get up.

"What's a few more minutes," he whines tightening his grip on me.

"João we have to get ready," I whine.

He groans and slowly releases me. "Fine," he huffs.

"It's just dinner," I tell him getting up.

"We can have dinner in here," he says, "order room service."

"We don't all fit in here," I sigh.

"I know," he laughs, "I meant just you and I."

"You're annoying," I say getting up.

"Is it wrong to want you all to myself ?" He asks getting up.

"No, but I'm a hot commodity around here"I laugh. "I'm gonna do my hair, help me pick out a dress."

"Hot commodity," he laughs, "most desired by me though."

"That's why I give you most of my attention," I kiss him and then walk off to do my hair. "Pick my dress," I tell him.

"Babe this one ?" He asks popping his head into the bathroom.

"I can't wear that," I say, "chose another one."

"This one ?" He comes back in a few minutes later and I just shake my head no.

He groans and disappears for a few minutes coming back in "this one ?"

"Go get dressed, I'll figure it out when I'm done," I say.

He walks back out, clearly annoyed and then comes back a while later shirtless with some khaki colored pants on and a black button up in his hand. In his other hand, he had a black dress. He extends it for me to see the dress properly.

"I like," I say as I finish curling my hair. I grab a bow from my bag and pin it to the back of my head. "Does it look straight ?" I ask.

"Cute," he says.

"Can you get me the iron to fix this mess," I say taking the shirt from his hands.

Meanwhile the iron is heating up, I take the dress from him and head inside the bathroom to change. When I walk out, I place the gloves from the dress on the bed so I don't forget to put them on before I leave. Nessa comes in as I'm touching the iron seeing if it's hot enough.

"You look hot," she says and I smile, "don't mind me, I'm just coming here to steal a dress."

I quickly iron João's shirt while Nessa steps into the bathroom to change.

"Thank you," he says kissing my cheek as I hand him his shirt.

"I'm taking my girlfriend back tomorrow," Nessa says stepping out.

"My girlfriend ?" João asks emphasizing the my.

"Our girlfriend," Nessa says.

"My girlfriend," João says again.

"I'm willing to share," Nessa says.

"I'm not," João argues.

"But you expect me to share you with my sister ?" I ask.

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