S I X T Y - S I X

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We've been sitting at the tables for about an hour or so, eating dinner, making conversation and enjoying each other's company. Some of the players decided to join us and even Shawn was here.

"Sooo," Hugo trails off, "when am I getting new albums ?"

"Albums ?" I ask, "plural ?"

"Yes, talking to both you and Shawn here and Nessa too of course," he says.

"I just dropped happier than ever," I say, "give me a break."

"Get to song writing, these songs aren't gonna write themselves," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Talk to Shawn, the last time he released an album was in 2020," I say.

"Yeah, I literally just released an album before coming here," Nessa says.

"She did," I say, "I helped write that, get off my back."

"Enough work talk," my avó says, "Shawn, how's Camila ?"

"Avó," I warn.

"It's fine," Shawn smiles at her, "we broke up," he says cautiously.

"What, why ?" She asks.

Shawn laughs, "turns out it's a lot simpler to maintain a friendship than a romantic relationship."

"I hear that," Cooper and Nessa say at the same time.

"I'm sorry to hear that," my avó says.

"Maybe I need to stop focusing on these influencer boys and find myself a football player," Nessa laughs, "seems to have worked out for Sof."

"Should've treated Qatar like a dating show, like Sof," Cooper says.

"I did not treat Qatar like a dating show," I laugh, "I had my eye on this one since the moment I stepped foot inside that airport," I say placing my hand over João's on the table.

"It's not too late," Cooper tells Nessa, "I'll be your wingman. I'll find you a hot football player in no time," he winks.

"Where are you gonna start looking ?" Shawn laughs.

"Well, that's a good question," Cooper says, "I'm going to England with Sofia, I can start there, or would you prefer American ?" He asks Nessa.

"I hear Portugal has some pretty good players, handsome too," Hugo says jumping into the conversation.

"Is he flirting with Ness ?" I whisper to João.

João smiles to himself and removes his hand from under mine placing it on my thighs. "You finally noticed," he whispers back.

"Yes," I squeal and they turn their attention to me. "I'm agreeing with you," I tell Hugo, "I mean look at us," I say gesturing  to João and I.

"Perhaps you have someone in mind," Nessa says raising a brow.

"Perhaps," Hugo winks.

I place my hand on João's thigh and lightly squeeze it trying to get his attention. "Obsessed," I whisper to him. He laughs at my reaction and places a kiss on my cheek.

"That's so gross right ?" I hear my little sister laugh talking to Shawn.

"Alana," I groan.

"No one is eating anymore," she giggles.

My sister proceeds to tell everyone the hilarious story of me stepping in my dog's poop. I groan, "avó, why isn't he properly trained yet ?" I whine, "they don't go everywhere and anywhere."

"Trainer has just perfected his behavior," my avó shrugs, "we start potty training next week."

We hung out for a few more minutes at the restaurant until we finally payed and headed out. I had to drive back home because João and I had gone to the restaurant in the same car and the plan was to go to this cruise in different cars.

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now