S I X T Y - F I V E

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Cris and Hugo went who knows where while João and I drove over to Rodrigos shop. We both park the cars on the side of the building when we arrive and I head inside.

"Listen man, I've got tough work on this car now, but my cousin should be arriving soon, she can get your oil changed," I hear Rodrigo say.

"A girl ?" The guy asks, "nah man, I'll get someone else to do it."

I laugh, "get the Mustang in then while I put the jumpsuit on," I tell João, "it needs an oil change too."

I head in through the side door and put the jumpsuit over my clothes so I don't stain anything. I put my hair up with the hair clip I had grabbed earlier.

"Bro that's a beauty," I hear the guy tell João as I walk out.

"Thanks, but she's not mine," João says.

"What are you getting done ?" The guy asks.

"Oil change," João says.

"Oh dude, he's having some girl do oil changes, maybe come back later or another day," the guy proposes.

"The car is mine," I laugh coming out of the shadows, "I've been doing all the work on her since I was little, there's no way I can fuck up an oil change."

"You don't mind if I supervise, do you ?" He asks.

"If you know how to do an oil change, go do your own," I laugh.

"I just wanna see if you know how to do it, I really don't wanna do my own so if you know how to do it, I'll let you do mine."

"I don't want to do yours," I laugh, "run along and take your car elsewhere," I shoo him.

"You've just lost a customer, Rodrigo," the guy says annoyed.

Rodrigo scoffs, "I don't care."

The guy drives off and I continue on with my day doing the oil change on my car. I show João how it's done so he can do it sometime. When I'm done, a girl drives up in an FRS and I get her done too. After her, I get two more cars and I'm done for the day. Well at least that's what I thought.

Rodrigo asks me for my help with the car he's working on and I slide under the car. A few minutes into our work, a loud and obnoxious car pulls in.

"I see the Mustang is here," some guy speaks, "where's that beautiful girl that drives it ? We have a pending discussion."

João scoffs and I roll out from under the car. "I don't remember racing you," I say, "run along and get your daddy."

"My daddy," he says with a mocking tone when he said daddy, "can't race, so it's me you're up against for the rematch."

"I don't recall invoking the rematch clause," I say, "I don't see a reason to since I won," I remind him. "You cannot invoke the rematch clause on behalf of your daddy, I believe there are rules in place for that. My daddy doesn't want me street racing anymore, meaning this conversation shouldn't even be happening. It's over, your daddy shouldn't have put your car on the line, I don't know what to tell you," I shrug.

"That's just it, princess, I don't want my car back, I want yours," he says stepping closer to me.

João clearly didn't like that and he takes a protective stance at my side holding my hand.

"What's the plan here ?" I ask, "are you trying to intimidate me, because it's not working. The rematch clause could only be invoked by your father if he is capable and willing to race, not have someone invoke for him and race on his behalf. I can pay you off for the car if thats what you want, but you're not getting mine."

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