S I X T Y - T H R E E

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"Sofia, we're here," I hear my sister scream. I keep my eyes closed, and wait for her to jump on me, but it never happens, instead, I hear João groan and feel him flinch; she jumped on him.

I open my eyes to see Alana happily on top of João. "You okay ?" I laugh.

"I don't know if I wanna hold off on having these," he says sitting up and hugging my sister, "or check to see if I can still have them."

I laugh, "I think you should be fine."

"Shh, daddy is speaking," my sister tells me.

I listen for my dad's voice, he's speaking to João's parents. "You're more than welcome to stay at one of the guest rooms in the house, or if you'd prefer the hotel, that's totally your choice."

I tune them out as they figure out sleeping arrangements and turn my attention to my little sister and João. "What time is it ?" I cover my mouth as I yawn.

"2:15," João yawns.

"Okay, when can we get out of this plane ? The quicker we can get out, the quicker we can get into bed," I say.

"Mommy said I can stay up," Alana says.

"Mami did not say that," I say.

"Sofia, so we were thinking," Hugo starts, but cris cuts him off.

"Dude, ask João," Cris says, "João, so we were wondering, who is gonna be your best man ?" He asks.

"I've already told you guys it's gonna be me," Cooper says.

"Best man ?" I ask confused, "for what ?"

"Your wedding," my brother says in a duh tone.

I look over at João trying to contain my laughter.

"It's two in the morning," João says rubbing his eye, "what the heck guys."

"So when you guys get married, does that make Cris and I brothers too ?" Hugo asks ignoring João.

"You and Cris can be whatever your heart desires," I tell Hugo.

"Eva and I can be flower girls," Alana cheers.

"I'm planning my wedding before I even get a ring," I say.

"Again, it's two in the morning," João groans, "but if a ring is what you want, I'll search all of Portugal for an open jewelry store for you."

"Hold on," I say, "let's give us time."

"How do you guys have so much energy ?" Nessa asks coming up to us.

"That's what I'd like to know," I say getting up and stretching.

"We haven't slept," Cris says.

I groan as we all make our way out of the plane. I begin walking down the steps of the plane and I'm wondering how we're all gonna get going. I see a row of vans pulling up and I see my dad has got everything covered.

"Do you need any help loading luggage ?" I ask my dad.

"No, get in the van," he tells me.

"Good, because I wasn't offering myself," I laugh.

I climb in one of the vans after my brother, Hugo, Cooper and Nessa. "Don't fall asleep," Cris says, "I'm not carrying you inside again."

"It wasn't even you that carried me inside," I say, "it was Rodrigo. Thanks for reminding me, I should text him."

"He's home," my avó says, "they all are."

"Damn, now I wish I could stay longer," I pout. "He should've came to the tournament."

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt