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As breakfast finished, João and I got going seeing since we had to pick up his brother soon. We left the restaurant at 12:45 and headed for the airport.

Once we arrived at the airport, we got coffee again, I'm super exhausted, and these iced coffees keep me going. We hang back and wait for a text from João's brother to let us know he's arrived. About 15 minutes pass when Hugo, João's brother, texts João informing him he's gotten his bags and is looking around for him. João heads off to the restroom to hide since he wanted his brother to see me first to get a reaction.

João <3

João: He sees you

Me: How do you know ?

João: He's just texted me telling me he's spotted the most beautiful girl in the world.
Has to be you.

Me: Oh shut up
I see him

I spot the boy from the pictures João has shown me. He looks to be already looking at me as I notice him while I'm putting my phone away so I smile.

"Hi," he says as he approaches me, "I don't mean to be disrespectful, I wouldn't have done it if you weren't alone, or if I thought I'd be bothering, but I'm a huge fan, is there any way I could get a picture ?"

"Yeah of course," I say as he hands his phone to a random stranger asking to take the photos.

"Thank you," he says as the kind stranger hand him his phone back. "And thank you," he tells me, "like I said, I wouldn't of have approached you if it didn't seem appropriate, but you were alone, I hope you didn't mind."

"Oh of course," I tell him "don't worry about it, I don't mind at all. I understand, if I'm with someone, it's best to play it safe, but when I'm alone and don't look busy, or in a hurry, it's fair game," I smile at him.

"Are you looking for someone ?" He asks, "I don't mean to be taking up your time, maybe I could help you look while I look for my brother. He said he'd be here," he says checking his phone.

"Well I was supposed to be waiting for you," I tell him, "but now that you're here, we're just waiting on your brother. I think he's hiding from us."

"You know my brother ?" He asks.

"Yeah, tall, tan, beautiful eyes, nice face, says he's good at football but we'll have to wait and see," I laugh, "I joke, he's decent."

"Tall dark and handsome, just your type isn't it ?" João asks as he approaches us. I smile trying to hide my blush and he winks at me. "And I'm far better than decent," he sighs, "guess you'll have to wait and see for yourself."

"Oh buddy," Hugo says as he hits João's stomach, "her ex is taller than you, white and blue eyes, you're hardly her type," he says as he begins walking towards the exit of the airport.

"I like him already," I say following behind.

João huffs as he grabs Hugo's suitcase he left behind and follows the both of us to the car as we make conversation.

"Okay so we're going back to the hotel and we're getting room service to eat because Sofia has to rest," João says as we get into the car.

"It doesn't matter, I'm fine, I'll survive, let's go explore Qatar with your brother," I say.

"We could do that tomorrow," João says.

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now