T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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Sofia's POV

I'm drying my tears as we make our way to my dad's suite, I don't want my siblings to see me upset, so I'm doing my best to put on a smile for them.

My dad opens the door and Cris runs to me.

"Are you okay ?" He asks hugging me.

"Yeah," I whisper, kissing his cheek, it's taking everything in me not to cry.

"You've been crying," he notices.

I laugh, "I'm taking this loss very personal," I joke. "Come on, let's watch the Brazil game."

"We're not watching at the stadium ?" He asks.

"No baby, I'm tired," I tell him, "or you guys can totally ask dad if you wanna go."

"No, no, I wanna stay with you," he tells me and I squeeze his hand.

"Are João and Hugo coming over ?" He asks.

"No, I think João is tired bud," my dad tells him.

"João didn't even play," Cris argues. "Can we go to them ?"

"You're more than welcome to go with them," I smile at him, "but I think it's best if I stay put, my head feels like it's gonna explode."

"Fine," he huffs while we turn on the game.

We ate while we watched Brazil lose to Cameroon, tragic.

"What now ?" Cris asks.

"Do you wanna go to Hugo's for a sleep over ?" Cooper asks Cris.

"I really don't wanna leave Sofia alone," he insists.

"I'm fine," I smile at him, "you can go."

"Are you sure ?" He asks.

"Yeah, have fun, I'll check in with you after practice," I tell him and he's satisfied with that. I mouth a 'thank you' to Cooper and he nods at me.

"If I had a nickel for every boy that broke my heart, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice," I joke after Cooper and Cris leave.

"What happened ?" Kai asked.

"João asked me to speak after the game, which I agreed to, and then during halftime, he asked me to promise I'd speak to him after the game, so I did but I was very confused because he seemed off. The game itself felt very off to me, and I already feel like this tournament is rigged so I figured it had something to do with that,  but I suppose I'll never know," I sigh. "After the game, I went to go look for him but struggled to get to the locker rooms, when I finally got to the locker room area, I was pulled into a room.

"I thought it was him, so I just kinda stayed there and made a joke about how if he wanted to get me alone he could've just asked. It wasn't João, it was Hayes, we were locked in that stupid room," I tell them, "I was scared, the man I once knew, the one I once loved wasn't the one looking back at me, I didn't know what he'd be capable of doing."

"I will get billed for that door," Kai said trying to make the topic a little lighter. "What'd he want ?"

"To talk, at least that's what he said. He claimed to lock the door so I'd hear him out, but I don't know," I huff.

"What'd he tell you ?" Sophia asks.

"That I'm only a game to João, that he's using me to make his ex jealous," I cry, "I refused to believe him of course, but I don't really know what's real anymore. My mind just goes back to Portugal's first game, how comfortable they were with each other, how touchy, how flirty. I hate it, I hate it all, I hate him, I hate myself for being such a damn fool."

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