S I X T Y - F O U R

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I roll over on the bed and bump into a big lump of fur... Shadow.

"João ?" I say sitting up, the room is empty besides me and Shadow. I yawn, stretch and then cuddle up next to shadow again.

After a few minutes I feel the door open and someone comes in. I lift my head to face them.

"Sleepyhead, you're up," he smiles at me.

"Shadow didn't kick you off the bed, did he ?" I ask.

"No," João laughs, "but we did get very acquainted last night when he slept on top of me."

"Shadow doesn't know what personal space is," I laugh.

"Sounds like someone else I know," João says.

"Hey," I say opening my arms for him to come hug me, "I know what personal space is, I just like physical touch."

He jogs over up to me and pulls my body to him lifting me off the bed. I wrap my legs around him and he walks us over to the bathroom.

"Get ready for breakfast," he says as he gently sits me on the counter.

I sigh as he walks out of the restroom giving me my time. I brush my teeth and then my hair. I braid my hair again to keep it in place and walk back to my room to put on a hoodie.

I walk out of my room followed by Shadow, he seems to be in great spirits and I'm happy. We walk down the stairs together and my avó looks surprised.

"I was just about to send Junior upstairs with Shadow's breakfast," she said, "how'd you get him to come down ?"

"I didn't really try, I went to the restroom to freshen up for breakfast, went back to the room to put on a hoodie and he followed me out," I say. "Does he normally stay up there ?"

"He's old baby," she said giving me a sad smile. "He's happy to see you."

"Happy to see everyone," I smile at her.

I walk over to the stove to see what's for breakfast and make a look of disgust.

"Don't start with me, Sofia," my dad says.

"But daddy," I whine.

"No buts," my dad says.

"Who even decided to make this anyway ?" I mumble swirling the big serving spoon around the pot.

I was about to put some food on my plate when Gio came up behind me taking the spoon from me. "Yours is served," she says.

I turn my head to the table to see my plate next to João. My face lights up to see she's made a separate meal for me.

"You baby her too much," my dad tells Gio.

"You can't force her to eat food she doesn't like," Gio tells him and I stick my tongue out at him before I even realize what I've done.

"Grounded," my dad says.

"You can't ground me," I giggle, "I'm going to England soon."

"No more João," my dad says.

"Why am I being punished ?" João asks, "Sofia, apologize."

I laugh taking my seat, "I'm sorry I stuck my tongue out at you," I say.

"I redact the no João comment," my dad laughs. "Can't go around punishing the man that gave me those killer assists."

"Thank you," João laughs.

"Bom día," (good morning) my aunt says coming into the kitchen. "How's my favorite little super star ?"

"I'm good," I smile at her, "how are you ?"

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