F O U R T Y - F I V E

476 6 3

Saturday December 10, 2022 9:37AM

"Owww, what the fuck," I whine as I feel a heavy hand hit my face.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry," João says.

I groan and start rolling out of bed.

"Come back," he says pulling me back into the bed "let me see, did I hurt you ?" He asks as he takes a look at my face and places kisses everywhere. "Still beautiful," he says admiring my face.

"Just in pain," I laugh, "watch me get a black eye," I joke.

"Stop, that was an accident, I was still asleep, I feel so bad," he says, "I would never hurt you on purpose."

"I know baby, I know," I say reaching over for my phone, "good alarm though, we gotta start getting ready for brunch," I roll my eyes.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door "are you two decent ?" The voice asks.

João rolls his eyes and goes to open the door for his brother. While he does this, I step into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I hear João and Hugo begin to talk while I finish making myself presentable and then I step out to join them.

"I brought your keys," Hugo says, "thank you," he tosses them to me and a sleepy me moves out of the way just before they hit me.

"What's with everyone trying to take me out this morning ?" I whine.

"Mine was an accident, this one was totally purposeful," João says hitting his brother on the head.

"What'd you do, you idiot ?" Hugo asks hitting João back.

"Nothing, nothing, it was an accident," I laugh, "he just happened to turn into Chris Brown this morning."

"Oh my god Sofia," João says covering his face.

"You hit her ?" Hugo asks in disbelief.

"Not purposely," I defend João, "he was still sleeping and threw his hand, it accidentally landed on my face."

"Why would you," Hugo begins but was cut off by João.

"Didn't you hear her, I was sleeping," João says, "and I feel like shit about it can we please not talk about it anymore."

"Go get ready," I say kissing his cheek. "You ready for brunch ?" I ask Hugo.

"We all are, everyone else is upstairs with your parents already," he says.

"Fuck," I laugh looking through my stuff for an outfit.

"Sooooo," Hugo starts, "how was your night ?"

"Good, how was yours ?" I ask.

"Good, good," he says as I walk into the restroom to change, "I do think yours was better than mine though."

"Maybe," I say a little louder since we're speaking through the door so he can hear me. I quickly change into my clothes and step out to show him my bracelet. "I'm officially dating your brother," I smile.

"Took him long enough," Hugo jokes as João walks back into the room and I go back to finish doing my hair.

I step back out and it's 10:35 so we start heading upstairs to my dad's suite.

"I'm gonna go pick up João's surprise," Hugo whispers to me and I nod saying goodbye to him.

"Where'd he go ?" João asks as we step into the elevator.

"No clue," I shrug, "he just told me he'd meet us there. I forgot my keys."

"I have them," he says flashing the keys as the elevator starts moving up. "I want private lessons to learn how to drive stick shift too," he says and I laugh.

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