S I X T Y - N I N E

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I sigh flipping the page of the book I've read hundreds of times. It takes me reading the same paragraph several times for me to finally shut the book. João had left a few days ago and I was trying to find anything to distract me. I had built a routine with that man and it sucked having to do so many things without him.

Losing Shadow has also taken a toll on me, making peace with his departure doesn't make it hurt any less. I had planned to distract myself with João, but he's not with me and I'm not with him.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a loud noise. I realize it's my phone and toss the book to the side swapping it with my phone. I answer the call and João's face appears on the screen.

"Hi lover," I smile.

"Hi pretty girl," he says, "what are you up to ?"

"Nothing, I was trying to read but I can't focus," I say showing him the book, "what are you doing ?"

"Besides missing you," he says, "about to play some FIFA," he shows me the control, "hoping you'd want to hop on with me."

"Eww," I laugh, "so cringy."

"You think ?" He asks.

"Yes," I smile, "but I'll let you in on a little secret," I whisper, "I kinda liked it."

"So you'll get on ?" He asks flashing the controller once again.

"Yes," I laugh getting off of my bed and walking over to turn on my PlayStation and TV.

We play for a few minutes and I'm being called down to dinner.

"Fuck," I laugh, "I'm in the middle of a game," I shout.

"Do you have to be called down again ?" My dad asks stepping into my room.

"No, but I'm in the middle of a game," I groan.

"Hi João," my dad says stepping into frame, "bye João," he says hanging up.

"Daddy," I whine.

"He'll survive a few minutes," my dad laugh, "game off, now."

I groan grabbing my phone and opening my messages with João.

João <3

Me: This isn't over, we can resume after
Say an hour ?

"It's Christmas Eve, Sofia, you guys can play tomorrow," my dad says reading the conversation over my shoulder.

"C'mon daddy, one game," I whine, "please."

"One game, no phones at the table," he says.

"Yessir, I'll be down in a minute," I say.

He walks out and I turn my attention down to my phone.

João <3

João: 59 minutes

Me: You're so cringy 🤧
You have me like 🤢😚🤢😚

João: I love you, text me when you're done so I can hop back on.

Me: Yessir 😚

João: Say you love me back ☹️

Me: I love you back 👹

João: You're insufferable

"Uncle Cristiano says if you're not downstairs for dinner in five seconds, you can kiss your phone goodbye," my cousin Hugo says and I roll my eyes.

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now