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João's POV continued

"You want me back ?" I ask in disbelief. "No Maugs, you and I breaking up was for the best, besides I've met someone. We have something really good going for us, and I really like her, I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend today."

"Who ?" She asks removing her hands from my body and standing straight.

"Does it matter ?" I ask, not wanting to reveal who it was because I didn't want Maugi to ruin anything for Sofia and I.

"No, I suppose it doesn't, I'm sorry, I don't know why I came in like that, I don't know what came over me," she apologized dropping her head and facing the ground.

"Hey are you alright," I say grabbing her chin to look at me, simply because she seemed sincere and genuine.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she smiled at me and I let her go, "just a bit embarrassed is all, you're right, it was best we parted ways, I hope we could forget about what just happened and be friends."

"Yeah," I shrug, "I don't see why not, but easy on the touching, and no flirting with me," I joke trying to put her at ease.

She laughed "yeah of course, why don't you tell me about her ?" She asked.

"Sofia ?" I asked. "She's great, she's amazing actually, unbelievable, she's got such an amazing personality and kind heart, I could spend hours talking about how incredible she is and it still wouldn't do her justice," I sigh with a smile on my face.

"And she feels the same way ?" She asks.

"Yeah," I smile.

"That's great João, she sounds good for you, I'm happy you've found someone, genuinely. I now feel bad because I came in here all hot literally wanting to jump on you and here you are forming something lovely with a nice girl. Truth is, I do miss you, and I would like to give us another go, but I know I fucked up and you're done with me, and you've moved on, I should do the same," she sighed.

"I mean you did move on before we even ended the relationship," I joke, "I don't know why you have so much difficulty now."

"While we were together, I feel like I was in search of something more, and I couldn't see I had everything I could possibly want or need right in front of my face. Now, I see I had something great, and I can't believe I tossed it away like that. It's true what people say, you don't know what you have until it's gone," she said. "I'll leave you alone to move on though, I respect you enough to do that because I want to see you happy, even though I won't be the one making you happy."

I hug her, "thank you Maugi, it means a lot to me."

"I'll be around for a bit though, so I'm here if you need anything, even if it's just as friends," she smiles. "I know I wasn't the most supportive girlfriend, but I know I can be a better friend, maybe we'll work best that way. I'll be in the stands rooting for you, in football and in everything you do."

"As friends," I say.

"Yes João, as friends," she replies with a smile.

"Well, I gotta go, I have to head out soon," I say.

"Ah yeah, good luck," she says.

"Thank you," I call out as I head back to the viewing room that was just a couple steps away. I knew it was almost time to go get ready, but I needed to go see Sofia, I needed to thank her again, thanks to her, I was walking in confident, confident in myself, and in my team. I was also insanely nervous, but not scared. As I'm walking in, I'm being shoved out by my teammates comping out. I try to shove past them but it's no use when they're all shoving me with the current.

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