T H I R T Y - O N E

432 3 1

Sunday, December 4, 2022 5:47AM

Kaká 🫶🏼

Me: I'm early, I know, but I'm on my way.

After my conversation with João, I texted Kaká to let him know I was on my way. I also decided to shoot my dad a good morning text.

Papi <3

Me: Goodmorning :)
Kaká offered to train with me today, so I'm heading out with him. Can't let my form slip from the top of my priorities, and when one of the best to ever do it offers to train with me, I'll gladly accept :)
By the way, I've reread our messages, and I'm totally telling everyone I'm your favorite 😚
I love you and I hope you have a good day <3

I arrive at Kaká's hotel room shortly and begin to knock on the door. "Ricardooooo open up," I say and finally after what feels like an eternity, the door swings open.

"Sofia," he groans.

"I told you I'd be here early," I said walking in. "I don't understand what the problem is, you agreed to train me. You offered actually, so that's on you pal."

"I didn't think you'd be pounding on my door at 5 in the morning," he groans getting back into bed.

"I wasn't pounding, I was knocking, and it's 6," I huff "now get up."

He groans refusing to get up and covering his head with the covers.

"Oh come on, I'm running on like three hours of sleep here, and I'm ready to go," I groan pulling the covers off of him.

"What ?" He asks as that catches his attention.

"What ? Who said that ?" I try to play it off avoiding his gaze "let's gooooo."

"You've been crying," he says as he forces me to look at him. "Give me five minutes to get ready."

He comes out of the restroom in sweats and a T-shirt.

"This doesn't look like you're ready to practice," I groaned.

"How about we rain check ?" He asks, "practice tomorrow ?"

"Fine," I huff, "only because I was gonna skip practice anyway," I laugh.

"C'mon, leave your bag here, we'll get it after," he says and I do as told.

"Where are you taking me ?" I ask.

"Surprise," he says as I follow him to the elevator.

I watch him press a random button and the elevator starts moving up. The elevator soon comes to a stop and the doors open to reveal something out of a fairytale.

"What is this ?" I ask amazed by all of the plants and flowers growing everywhere.

"A garden, I knew you'd appreciate it as soon as I saw it on the brochure," he smiles at me as he leads me to a bench.

"It's beautiful," I smile.

"What's going on ?" He asks "is it stuff with you dad ? I swear I'll knock some sense into that man."

I laugh, "no, we spoke last night, well through text, alls good there now, I just told him I needed space," I sigh, "it's that long lost son of yours."

"Ahhh yes, you said you wanted to talk about it, what's up ?" He asks.

I tell him everything that's going on and I let out a breath I had been holding in. "The worst part is," I pause, "I think I'm in love with him," I sigh.

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