T H I R T Y - S E V E N

468 4 4

Wednesday, December, 7th 2022 6:15PM

"What are you wearing tonight ?" Nessa asks me.

"This one," I show her the dress smiling at her, "you ?"

"Be honest," she says holding up a dress, "is this too simple ?"

"Yes," I say and she groans.

"I don't think I brought anything flashy," she complains.

"I've brought lots," I smile, "get something from my closet."

"Thank you," she sighs going over to the closet to pick out a dress. "Here," she says handing me some red heels, "you need a pop of color."

"What about this one ?" She says holding up a dress.

"Yea," I smile at her. I walk into the restroom to change and then do my hair. A few minutes later, Nessa walks in helping me curl some of the back pieces of my hair.

"You look hot," she says, "looking to impress a certain Portuguese devil ?"

"No," I roll my eyes. "I think we're done, for good this time. I'm tired of the back and forth. Also he's being an ass lately, and I'm sick of it. Besides, Hayes would never let me be happy with him, or with anyone for that matter."

"Oh to hell with Hayes," she says, "you've been an ass too, you both need to get your heads out of your asses and talk to each other. Now zip me up."

I laugh and help her zip up the dress. "I'm gonna do my hair, I'll call you when I need you," she says walking into the restroom. Just then our boys walk in.

"Hello gorgeous," Cooper says kissing the top of my head.

"Don't you all look handsome," I smile at them. "Cris let me fix your tie baby."

"We all need help," Hugo laughs holding his tie out.

"I have a clip on bow tie," Cooper says clipping it on.

I laugh while I help both Hugo and Cris with their ties.

"Have you talked to him ?" Hugo whispers to me as I begin to help.

"Sofia," Nessa calls out to me.

"I'll be there in a minute, I'm helping Hugo with his tie," I say.

"What does she need ?" Cooper asks.

"Help with her hair," I say.

"We can help," Cris says and I laugh as they both head to the restroom to help her.

"No," I groan, "he was an ass last night, he was an ass the night before, I'm so exhausted, maybe we should just call it and leave it at that."

"You can't do that," Hugo says, "you two are in love."

"I don't think love is supposed to hurt," I sigh.

"It's not, and it wouldn't but there's so much miscommunication between the both of you, you just need to have a good conversation," he tells me and he's right, I know he is.

I sigh and nod wanting this conversation to be over. I know Hugo means well, everyone does, but I'm so tired of having this conversation. It's literally the same thing with everyone and I feel so drained.

"How does my hair look from the back ?" Nessa asks stepping out of the bathroom.

"They didn't do too bad," I smile at her, "we ready to go ?" I ask and they all say yes.

"Can I drive ?" Hugo asks and I place my car keys in his hand.

We're currently heading to dinner with the Portugal team, their families, and some of the current and former Real Madrid players. I see Cris counting as we're making our way to the lobby.

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