S E V E N T Y - T W O

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I panic closing the little velvet box containing her promise ring and toss it behind me... fuck, I shouldn't have done that. I was supposed to pick her up from the airport, even more panicked now, I check the time on my phone to make sure I wasn't late to pick her up.

"That's not true," she says as I'm stood there shocked, "your brother's taste in men is abysmal."

"Your taste in men is abysmal," he argues with her.

"I'm dating your brother," she scoffs.

He shrugs, "you've finally picked a good one."

She laughs, "that's what my dad said." She turns her attention to me, "hi baby."

"Hi stinky," I smile at her finally breaking free of my trance like state. I walk over to her pulling her off the couch and into my embrace while she wraps her legs around me. "You're not supposed to be here for another hour and a half, almost two."

"I got in this morning," she says, "I've been hanging with Hugo."

"I wanted some time with my friend before you got all territorial, but all we've done is argue," Hugo laughs.

"You like to push my buttons," she says turning to him.

"Don't listen to her," he says, "she's a brat, she pushes mine."

"A brat she is," I laugh and she turns to me with a playful glare.

"Honey, it fell out," my mom says showing me the empty velvet box.

"Fuck," I murmur.

"What happened ?" Sofia asks turning to my mom.

"Oh nothing," my mom waves her off, "I've found it," she smiles at Sofia.

"She's lying," she whispers to me, "we should help look."

"Hugo's got it," I tell her as I begin walking us upstairs to my room.

"Everything's got a price João, I'll let you know mine once I know how valuable what I'm looking for is," Hugo says.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," I shout down.

"Oh my god João, we could just help look," she says.

"They've got it," I reassure her.

"And you say I'm a brat," she rolls her eyes as I set her on my bed.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me ?" I ask in disbelief.

"What are you gonna do about it ?" She asks playfully.

"Behave yourself," I warn. "Have you and Hugo had dinner ?"

"Nope, I was gonna suggest it when you guys arrived," she shrugs.

My phone begins to ring and I check to see who it is. I sigh, "baby, this is important, sit tight, I'll be back, don't go downstairs."

"Okay," she says in a confused tone.

Sofia's POV

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