T W E N T Y - F I V E

515 4 0

Wednesday, November 30, 2022 12:15PM

"You want what ?" My dad asks.

"Nerf guns," I repeat myself.

"For what ?" He asks.

"To play dad," Cris says in a duh tone and I nod in agreement. We had come back from practice a couple hours ago, we had breakfast together, and now my dad and Gio were going out for the day.

"I thought you guys were staying in today," my dad says confused.

"We are, that's why we need the guns, to play," I elaborate.

"With who ?" He asks.

Cris and I groan, "dad you ask too many questions," I huff.

"Just one more," he says, "how many guns do you need ?"

"Nine," Cris says and I give him a look.

"Why so many ?" My dad asks.

"You had seven kids," Cris says and I laugh.

"Two of them won't even play," my dad says confused and I nod in agreement.

"True," he pauses, "five of them will, and then, Nessa and Coop, and then two for you and Gio for when we play another time," he shrugs.

"Fine," my dad says, "how do you even know the rest of your siblings will play ?" He asks.

"It'll be fun," I tell him, "get us extra bullets."

"Quickly, before Gio finishes getting ready !!" Cris says shoving my dad out the door while I laugh.

I finish helping Gio clean up while she continues to get ready. Nessa and Cooper help clean the kitchen while I get the twins changed and ready for their nap. We quickly finished and my dad arrived shortly while we all waited on the couch.

"Okay, I've got guns, bullets, flags and bandannas," my dad says as the door swung open and he walked in.

"What are the flags and bandannas for ?" I ask.

"Bandannas are to be worn, and flags to be captured," Cris says taking the things from my dad. "So, I was thinking, we get into teams, in our team, we chose a country that plays today, and that's your flag," he says and we nod in agreement. "The bandannas are to look bada- " he looks at my dad, "cool."

"Okay pick teams," I say as I get the rest of our siblings in on what's going on.

"I want Sofia," Alana yells.

"Baby don't scream," my dad tells her.

"Okay Cris and I," Cooper said.

"I wanted to be with you," Nessa argued.

"Okay, okay, it's Sofia and Alana, Nessa and Cooper, and I'll take both the twins since we're smaller," Cris says and we all agree. "I want France," he says.

"We're Mexico," I yell.

"Sofia," my dad says.

"You guys are gonna wake up the babies," Gio says coming out of their room.

"Gio can you help me get France jerseys for the twins before you leave," Cris says and I follow behind to get a Mexico jersey for Alana. I help my siblings get dressed and put my best friend's jersey on myself hoping it's not Mexico's last game in the World Cup, but being super realistic.

"Sofia, we're gonna go get jerseys," I hear Cooper say as the door shuts.

João's POV

I walk into Sofia and Cris's room through the adjoining door with Hugo following behind me. Cris had asked me to go and get jerseys for us to wear, we'd be invading their capture the flag game in Cristiano's suite.

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