S I X T Y - S E V E N

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I check the time on my phone and see it's 9:15AM, I groan and crash down on the bed on top of João waking him up.

He groans, "I love you, but this isn't an ideal way to wake me up."

"Sorry," I laugh, "I'm tired."

"You just woke up," he argues.

"You've been cuddling Shadow," I laugh, "I haven't been in bed for the past 4 hours."

"Where have you been ?" He asks sitting up.

"I got punished for racing," I laugh, "that's what I'm calling it, dad said it's just practice though."

"Why didn't you wake me ?" He asks.

"My dad was just drilling me, overworking my leg muscles," I said, "bunch of boring exercises if you ask me. My leg is in so much pain," I groan, "I'm surprised I got upstairs on my own, you're gonna have to carry me down for breakfast."

"I can manage," he laughs.

I yawn and roll off of him. "So tired," I whine.

"You've been practicing for the past four hours ?" He asks.

"No, I had a dentist appointment too," I smile. "Got a cleanse and changed my tooth gem," I say sucking my teeth.

"Let me see," he says grabbing my chin. I smile for him and his eyes dart to the little J on my tooth. "You're so cute," he giggles like a little school girl.

I peck his lips, "you like ?"

"Love," he says pecking my lips again, "let me go brush my teeth, I want a proper kiss."

He hops off the bed and walks to the restroom meanwhile I use the remaining energy I have and drag my body downstairs for breakfast. "Bom día," (good morning) I say taking a seat at the table.

"Why is your knee brace on ?" Gio asks.

I groan, not meaning to ignore her, but I'm trying to drag my foot up to rest it on the chair besides me.

"Cristiano, what have you done to my baby ?" She asks kissing the top of my head.

"Nothing," my dad shrugs, "we practiced, she's fine."

I lift my hand with a thumbs up. "See," my dad gestures towards me, "she's fine."

"Where is everyone ?" I ask.

"Rodrigo left early to look for the replacement to the window, and no one else has come down," my dad says.

"Are you okay ?" Gio asks, "your dad told me he had to go get you because you got a flat and then someone broke into your car."

Fuck. I don't like lying to my parents, and I never do, it makes me feel bad, but Gio knowing what actually happened will only lead to me getting in trouble so I'm grateful my dad came up with something. "Yeah," I say, "just a broken window and a scratch, no biggie."

"I thought you wanted me to carry you downstairs ?" João asks as he comes up to the table pulling the chair my leg is resting on back so he can sit. He cautiously lifts my leg, takes his seat and pulls my leg over his lap. "Good morning," he smiles at everyone.

"I was hungry," I say, "when is your Al Nassr presentation ?" I ask my dad.

"January third," he said, "where are you spending Christmas ?" He asks.

"Oh god, I haven't even thought about that," I sigh, "I guess João's, the plan was to go to his neck of the woods tomorrow."

"I forgot," João says, "I can't separate you from your family on Christmas."

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