T H I R T Y - N I N E

751 9 3

Tuesday, December 8, 2022 6:30AM

"It wasn't a dream," I hear João whisper placing strands of hair behind my ear.

"You're annoying," I smile pushing his face away.

"Oh you love me," he says pulling me closer. I do, I really do.

"We should get ready for practice," I tell him getting up.

"Carful what you wish for," I hear a sleepy Cris say.

"Go back to sleep," I laugh walking over to my closet to get my clothes.

"Does that mean you two are good ?" I hear him ask João.

"Yes, but we still need to talk, can't have us falling out again," I hear him laugh.

"Cris, stop being nosy and go back to sleep," I tell him, "you, go get dressed," I tell João.

"Yes ma'am," he says disappearing into his room to change.

I walk out to find Cris up and looking ready for practice.

"You're joining us ?" I ask.

"Well yeah, I'm already up," he playfully glared at me.

"Yeah, sorry about that," I laugh, "blame João."

"Blame me for what ?" He asks coming back in.

"I'm not mad about it," Cris says, "I'm happy you guys are back to being good, I'm gonna go get Ruben."

"Let's go," João says as he grabs my hand. I immediately drop it.

"Sorry," I sigh, "I'll explain everything tonight, I promise, but in public, it's best if we keep our distance," I say.

"Why ?" He asks, "is it unknown ?"

"Yes," I say truthfully, "I met with them the other day, they're only trying to help, there's so much more going on behind the scenes, that you, that I, that we, we don't know about. I'll tell you what I know tonight okay, I promise," I place a peck on his lips.

"As long as we can talk and this all gets sorted," he sighs pecking my lips again.

"So when did this 'hands to yourself' rule become annulled ?" Cris said as he walked back in.

"Yeah, João, hands to yourself," I playfully push him away.

"It became annulled when your sister kissed me last night," João joked.

"Ewww," Cris said.

"Shut up," I groaned.

"Look Gonçalo, our love birds are back," Ruben says walking into the room.

"No more grumpy João," Gonçalo cheers.

"I wasn't grumpy," João defended himself.

"Oh you were all mopey," the boys complained.

"Oh shut up," he laughed pushing us all out of the room.

We make our way to our area and greet the rest of the team. Good thing dad didn't question why Cris was awake and at practice with us. We begin practice and then we get a little break. I take that opportunity to go check my phone.


Unknown: Seriously Sofía ?
Why am I being awoken at this hour ?
Are you with him ?
Sofia ??

Me: Sorry, I'm a practice
I practice w the Portugal team, he's on the Portugal team...
We're not necessarily together, but we're at practice.

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