E I G H T Y - O N E

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I loudly yawn, stretching as my phone rings. I reach over to my nightstand for my phone to see who is bothering me. It's my dad, I yawn answering his call.

"Hello," I say.

"Good morning," he says, "breakfast in an hour."

"I'll be there," I say groggily as I roll out of bed.

I head for the bathroom, taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth. I get out, changing into a decent outfit for breakfast. I brush my hair letting it air dry since there was no point in doing it because I'd be changing later.

I decided that was good enough, and did my bed. When I finished, I plopped on it, checking my messages and such.

Lisandro 👹❤️

Lisandro: I'm unblocked
Hi, I've missed you so much
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year
I loved the album, I'm very proud of you
I'm really sorry we fell off, being without you has been shit and I miss you.
Also as far as my tweets go, if they upset you, I can take them down, but I was angry when Paulo told me what was going on. I was tired of him talking about you without consequences when he was the one that fucked up, not you. Your story deserved to be told (I'm glad you spoke up) you don't deserve to be called the crap you're being called online, it's insane how many people talk out of their ass when they don't even know the full story.
Again, if you want me to take the posts down, you just let me know and they're gone.
Anyway, I really am sorry, I miss you.

I smile to myself, regardless of what he did, he's always been one of my best friends, and I do miss having him around.

Me: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
You're unblocked for now
I miss you too, but you were an ass, not only to my boyfriend, but to me too. That tackle was uncalled for and you know it. I appreciate the apology, and I do accept it, and although I miss you too, I'm not gonna hold hands and sing kumbaya with you, not until João gets an apology too that is.
As far as the tweets go, I don't really care anymore, you had him sweating 😩
What a loser, thank you for that.
Also, the ep was readyish for a while, you were kinda the nail in the coffin :)

Lisandro: Oh come on Sofi, you can't possibly be asking me to apologize to a loser who doesn't deserve you.
You really do have a type huh

Me: I'm pretty sure he's not a loser... especially with that World Cup win.
And he does deserve me !
You can't just say that no man deserves me
What are you doing awake anyway ?

Lisandro: Don't even remind me about that 🙄
I've been waiting for a text back, occasionally typing up a new message making sure I wasn't blocked again.
You've been dating him for like a month, princess
Besides you're so blinded by what you think is love that of course you think he deserves you.

Me: Lisandro, stop it, if you want to be my friend, you have to accept and respect my relationship. You don't have to like him, but you do have to respect him, if you want to be my friend, if not, that's fine with me. You don't get a say in this. You either respect it, or I'll block you again. No one will ever be good enough for me in your eyes.

Lisandro: That's not true, princess and you know that.

Me: Who is good enough for me then ?
You ?

Lisandro: I didn't say it, you did :)

Me: You had plenty of chances to make a move and you didn't. That's not on me, that's on you.

Lisandro: So I'm hearing I have a chance 😈

Me: You do not.
Move on, Lis, I'm not available anymore. I'm in a very happy and loving relationship with the man I love.
I never saw you as more than a friend, but I know that wasn't reciprocated, had you told me straight up though, who knows what could've happened, but that's all it'll ever be, a what if memory. There is no possibility for an us. We can be friends, but that's it. Only friends, this is the last time we have this conversation. I'm not doing this again. For the time being, I will be blocking your number again, if João receives his apology for the tackle AND for you trying to make a move on HIS girl, and he accepts it, I'll unblock you, if not, I'm sorry.

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