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We arrive at the airport with a little time to kill.

"I don't want to leave you," Kai said.

"I'll be fine," I laugh.

"Will you though ?" He asks. "I feel like Frankie has put too much faith in you."

"What's that supposed to mean ?" I feign offense.

"Do you want my honest opinion as a friend ?" He asks.

"Well yeah," I say unsure.

"I don't think you're handling this João situation right," Kai said.

"Kai," Sophia smacks his arm.

"Well, I can say that from an outsiders point of view, but I suppose it'd be different if I was going through what you are," he shrugs.

"Trust your gut baby, it'll never fail you," Sophia tells me while she hugs me.

"I agree, as long as your gut tells you to talk to João," he says and I roll my eyes.

We carry on talking about something else and soon enough their gate is being called.

"Fuck, we gotta go," Sophia says getting up.

I walk with them as far as I can before it's only passengers. I hug Sophia and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Turn your airdrop on," Kai tells me, "quickly."

I do as told, "for what ?" I ask but my phone dings and I accept whatever Kai sent me. "What is this ?" I ask as he hugs me and kisses my cheek.

"The list," he say, "consider it a parting gift," he winks at me as they walk away.

"But João is number one on this list," I say confused, "since when ?"

"Since I made it, seeing how you two were together reinforced it," he smiled at me. "Don't self sabotage, talk to the boy Sofia please."

I blow them both kisses as they disappear from my view. I pull my phone out as I head back to the car and text Christian.

Christian 🤍

Me: Where are you ?

Christian: Out, the boys and I decided to come for a few drinks.

Me: Ughhh are you okay ?
What time will you be back ?

Christian: Yeah, all good, just bummed, but we gave it our all
I don't know, probably late, why ?

Me: I wanted to check up on you >:(

Christian: Don't worry your pretty little head about me, how are you ?

Me: Surviving, I don't know how I will manage without you and Kai :(
When do you guys leave ?

Christian: You'll survive 🤍
Not tomorrow morning, but the following morning, like at 3AM

Me: Ughhh, okayyyyy I'll see you tomorrow !!
Do you need a ride back to the hotel ?
Lmk !!

Christian: We should be fine, but I'll keep the offer in mind just in case ;)
I'll see you tomorrow Sofia

Me: Goodnight Christian, have fun !! Not too much, but enough !! Take a shot for me, or two !! <33

I exit out my messages with Christan, and open the ones with Kaká, I promised I'd check in.

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now