S E V E N T Y - S I X

351 4 1

João's POV

"You're a fucking idiot," Hugo says running after Sofia.

"I agree," Fernanda says following behind.

"They're right, take it from someone else who saw everything you two went through in Qatar," Antonio sighs.

"You are an idiot," Miguel says. "Take it from someone who doesn't know what the hell happened in Qatar because you don't tell me anything, but as someone who has seen almost every interaction between Sofia and Ivone, I can tell you Sofia was not in the wrong. She wasn't rude, or disrespectful, she simply had enough of Ivone's shit and spoke up. You can't sit here and tell me that no one from her life or her past has ever made you feel like that."

"Almost every man she knows," I admit.

"Go talk to her," Miguel advises.

"I think I'm the last person she wants to see at the moment," I sigh.

"I agree," he says, "but if you're serious about this girl, I suggest you drag your head out of your ass and go fix things."

I sigh, "you're right."

"We like her better than Magui," Neves says, "so don't come back until you've worked it out."

I force a laugh walking towards the exit. All eyes turn to me except hers. I walk towards the group and they walk away giving us some time. I take a seat on the curb next to her.

"Go away," she says, "I don't want to talk to you."

"I'm pretty sure we have a communication policy in place that vetos you not wanting to talk to me," I joke trying to get her to smile.

"I know," she huffs, "I just want space."

"And that's reasonable," I admit, "I'd totally comply, except it's 10:27PM and I don't want to make a habit of us going to bed mad at each other. You've got two options, either get your pretty ass in the car so we can talk about it, or I'll get your pretty ass in the car so we can talk about it."

She lifts her head from her hands and gives me a smile. Score. "You're an asshole."

"I know," I laugh getting up and extending my hand for her to take.

She sighs taking my hand and standing up. She releases my hand going over to say goodbye to Antonio, Fer, and the rest of the group. I follow behind saying my goodbyes as well and reach for her hand walking us back to my car. I open the passenger door for her and she gets in, then I close the door walking over to the driver's side and getting in.

"Do you wanna head home, go for a drive, stay here ?" I ask.

"Let's drive off somewhere, like I don't know maybe your favorite spot around," she shrugs.

I take her hand kissing the back of it starting the car knowing exactly where I want to take her. I drive off to this unpopular area with very little to no light. I park the car opening my door and getting out.

"C'mon," I say opening her door trying to help her out.

"What'd you bring me out here to kill me ?" She asks.

I laugh, "don't you trust me ?"

"Not this very moment, no," she says looking around.

"C'mon, the view is to die for," I joke.

"Hell no," she laughs, "it's so sketchy and dark."

"Why do you always have to be so difficult ?" I groan. I walk over to the back seat of the car grabbing a blanket and closing the car.

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now