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I grab my carry on and begin to walk over to my dad and amai to help them with my siblings. I walked off the plane with my two sisters while my brother walked out with my younger brother, and dad and amai carried the  babies. We made it into the airport to look for the rest of our luggage and then we parted ways; my dad left with my amai and 5 youngest siblings while I stayed with my other brother since we were staying together.

Bernardo Silva and Rubén Días come up to me with my brother besides them.

"Who wants to drive because I do not," I say yawning.

"I'll drive," Bernardo says as Ruben calls João over.

"Is it okay if your new best friend comes with us ?" Ruben asks, "he's bunking with me."

I nod and we all walk over to the car rental area. After we chose the vehicle, we all get in, Bernardo is driving with João as the passenger, I'm in the middle seat in the back, with my brother to my right and Ruben to my left. We drove in a comfortable silence because everyone was tired from the flight.

As soon as we arrived to the hotel, we all started checking in. Bernardo went to find Bruno Fernandez so they can check in together since they were sharing, Ruben and João were checking in together and I was checking in with my brother. After we checked in, I gave my brother a key card and started heading towards the elevator.

"Where are you guys ?" Ruben asks.

"219," my brother says, "where are you ?"

"Please tell me you're far far away from us," I joke, João laughs showing me his key card that says 220.

"If we're lucky we have that adjoining door in the middle and can throw a little party," my brother says and I roll my eyes.

"Switch rooms with us," I say to Antonio Silva as he enters the elevator.

"What'd you get ?" Nuno Mendes asks.

"219, you ?" I say.

"221," he replies.

"Joder," (fuck) I murmur as we begin to go up and they all laugh.

As the elevator dings, we all get out and start looking for our rooms.

"Nuno and I were gonna go get food, do you guys wanna come," Antonio asks.

"Yes I'm starving," I say, "who has the keys ?" I ask Ruben.

"I do, we'll go set our stuff down and meet back here in 5 ?" He asks and we all agree. We all meet back up and head down to the parking lot. We arrive at the truck and we all get settled in, I'm in the passenger seat this time so I get to chose the music. We're listening to Shakira on full volume when I get a text in a group chat I'm in.

El clásico 🤍🖤💙❤️

Gavi: vamos a cenar y acabamos de pasar a un coche escuchando a Shakira jajajaja creo se enojo piqué
(We're on our way to dinner and we passed a vehicle listening to Shakira hahahahaha I think piqué got mad)

I roll down the window and wave as we both stop at a red light. Pedri rolls the window down and greets us.

"A donde van ?" (Where are you guys going ?) Pedri asks.

"A cenar también, aquí cerca," (to eat dinner around here), I reply.

"Ahi los vemos," (we'll see you there) piqué says as the light changes. I roll my eyes, why is he here ? Isn't he retired ?!

El clásico 🤍🖤💙❤️

Me: que hace Piqué aquí ?
Ni va a jugar, que se regrese a España
(why is piqué here ?
He's not even playing, he can go back to Spain)

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin