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"Tell her you have reservations for 'dos Santos,'" I tell João.

As he's talking to the hostess, my eyes scan the restaurant and they fall on the back of a head I know all too well. I quickly take my phone out.



Unknown: WHAT ?!

Me: Yes ma'am, got us a private room :)
Who is he with ?

Unknown: You don't recognize her ?
She's supposed to be your 'blast from the past'

"Blast from the past ?" I whisper to myself. "I've never seen this woman before in my life."

"What ?" João asks, "who are you texting ?"

"Unknown," I say, "right over there, that's definitely Hayes, but that woman, I don't recognize her," I tell him. "Unknown says Hayes called her a blast from my past, but I don't know her. Do you know who she is ?"

João's eyes go wide.

"Right this way," the hostess says leading the way to the room.

"Okay, you clearly know who she is," I say, "who is it ?"

João doesn't reply to what I'm saying, he just grabs my hand and pulls me as he follows the hostess. "João, what do you know ?" I ask.

We take our seats and the hostess gives us our menus and disappears behind the curtain that gives us privacy.

"Who is she ?" I ask.

"She didn't see you did she ?" He asks.

"Does it matter ?" I ask, "who is she ?"

"Yes it matters !! Do you think she saw you ?" He asks.

"No, she didn't see me, who is she ?"

"She's your biological mother Sofia," João sighs.

"What ?" I ask in disbelief.

"Right after you ran out in tears, she came in demanding a place in your life, Gio basically told her to go to hell, but I don't think she'll listen," he sighs. "I'm sorry, this isn't ideal for you I know, this also isn't the best way to tell you, I'm sorry you had to find out this way."

"That's why Gio has been feeling the way she has," I say.

"I think so," he says.

"No, that's the reason, I'm sure of it," I say angrily. "I'm sorry, it's not your fault, I shouldn't be taking it out on you, I just," I sigh, "Gio doesn't deserve this, I'll send that bitch [bio mom] to hell myself, I want nothing to do with her."

"I'm here for you, I'll back you a hundred percent," he says squeezing my hand lightly.

"Thank you," I smile at him, "I'll talk to Gio about this tomorrow. I won't let him ruin my evening, not when I've got you right in front of me," I smile at him.

The waitress comes over and takes our order, we make unrelated small talk until she comes back and drops everything off.

"Is that what you wanted to talk about ?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says. "Your dad thought he should be the one to tell you, but I thought, the quicker you knew, the better," he said.

"Thank you, for telling me," I smile at him.

"Thank you," he says, "for not taking me out with the steak knife," he jokes.

I laugh, "relax, like I said, it's not your fault, how'd my dad take it ?" I ask.

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