S E V E N T Y - F I V E

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"João," I hear his dad call him.

"He's not up here," I inform him.

"Sof ?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say.

"Ah, you're in luck, Ivone, they're here," I hear his dad say.

"Fuck," I groan.

"Language," Gio says.

"Sorry," I laugh.

"What's wrong ?" She asks.

"I don't like the girl that just showed up," I tell her, "she's annoying and like all over João."

There's a knock on the open door of João's room, "Ivone's here," his mom tells me standing in the doorframe.

I groan, "I know, it's too late to pretend I'm not here. Where's your son?" I ask, "tell him to get rid of her."

"Sof," his dad calls again.

"Coming," I say politely.

"Are you sure you can go down there ?" Carla asks.

"Why wouldn't she be able to ?" Gio asks.

"Well she's threatened to strangle her before," Carla explains.

"Matilde," Gio says in a warning tone.

"Just jokes," I laugh, "I can go get rid of her politely," I inform the pair. "Gio, I'll call you later, I love you."

"I love you, baby," she says, "play nice."

"Yeah, yeah," I say hanging up.

"Don't strangle her," Carla says.

"She's safe today, your son on the other hand..." I trail off and she laughs, "where is he anyway ?" I ask.

"I haven't seen him all day, thought he'd be up here with you," she tells me.

"We had breakfast together and that was it," I say, "haven't seen him since. I'm gonna go get rid of Ivone, send him my way if you find him please."

"Will do," she smiles at me.

I walk downstairs plastering the fakes smile on my face. "Ivone," I say feigning happiness, "so nice to see you again."

"You too," she smiles.

"What are you doing here ?" I ask.

"I was hoping we could hang out," she shrugs.

"That sounds lovely, but I'm afraid I've got plans," I say.

"Oh, uh," she starts.

"You're just going shopping with Fer," a voice says, "she can join you guys."

"Miguel," I turn around facing my body towards the boy who just spoke whose accompanied by my boyfriend. I point at them both and make a strangling motion with my hands in front of my body so Ivone can't see. "What a lovely suggestion, can believe I didn't think of that," I fake smile. "Would you-"

"Yes," she cuts me off.

"Great," I smile, "why don't you hang out with the boys while I go get ready."

I walk upstairs to João's room with him following close behind. "Where have you been all day ?" I ask shoving him into the room.

"Hiding," he says covering his face.

"João, you have got to be fucking kidding me," I groan.

"I'm sorry, I knew you wouldn't agree to it on your own," he says.

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora