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I rub my eyes the next morning after being frightened by the silly cardboard cutout of my boyfriend.

"This is gonna get old soon," I say getting out of bed. "You sir," I point to the cutout, "will spend your nights in the closet."

There's a knock on my door. "It's open," I call out.

"Good morning," my dad says coming in.

"Hi, daddy," I smile at him.

"How does breakfast sound ?" He asks.

"Great," I smile, "be down in a few."

"Everyone left," he clarifies, "so it's just you and I so I was thinking we could go out ?"

"Yes," I smile at him, "I'll be down soon, just give me a few minutes to get ready."

He nods walking out of my room and I walk towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and my hair. I throw on a quick outfit and send a quick text to João.

João <3

Me: Good morning 🤍
Going out for breakfast with my dad, I'll call you when I'm home
I love you 😚

I put my phone in my sweats' pocket and head downstairs to meet my dad.

"Ready ?" He asks.

"Ready," I say, "you weren't kidding when you said everyone is out," I laugh.

"Confession, it was my idea to get everyone out of the house, I wanted to have some time with you," he says.

"That's sweet," I smile at him. "Your car or mine ?"

"Yours, but I'll drive," he says and I nod.

We both walk out to the garage and hop in the car. My dad drives us to a local breakfast spot that used to be "our place" when I was growing up; well, it was my place with my grandad and it just kinda evolved at some point. When we arrive, we get out and head inside, picking our usual table. The place was calm this morning so we quickly ordered and waited for our food.

"How are you ?" My dad asks.

"Good," I smile, "I mean, the last couple of weeks have been such an insane rollercoaster, but I'm coming out smiling, and for that, I'm happy."

"I'm happy for you, baby," he smiles at me from across the table and reaches for my hand. "And things with João are.." he trails off.

"Smooth sailing," I smile again, "if I'm honest, I'm nervous for being away from him for too long, but we'll take it one step at a time and figure it out. We communicate well and we should be okay."

"I'm happy to see you so happy," he says with a smile, "João is a good boy, he deserves good, you both do, I'm glad you've found each other."

"All on our own too," I say, "you never played Cupid."

"Me," he says with a playfully offended tone, "no, never."

I laugh, "I'm really happy you approve, it means so much to me, especially because I'm serious about him. I really see a future with him. The time we spent together has been filled with endless conversation, about anything and everything, from our ideals and morals, to our thoughts on marriage and kids."

"How many kids does he want ?" My dad asks as our food arrives.

"Eleven," I say, "he's insane, we'll definitely compromise on four though, eleven is definitely too many."

"Isn't a compromise a middle ground ?" He asks. "How is four the middle ground of eleven and zero ?"

"Oh no, by compromise, I meant we're having as many as I want, and I've decided that's four," I explain.

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