S E V E N T Y - N I N E

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"That's a wrap," Beatriz smiles at me as we listen to the last few seconds of the last song.

"Oh my god, thank you both so much," I smile at them as Beatriz hands me a flash drive."

"Thanks for letting me sit in again, I can't wait to listen to them," Carolina says.

"Can you make a copy ?" I ask Beatriz before she deletes the files.

"Yeah," she says loading the files onto another hard drive.

She hands me the second hard drive and I hand it to Carolina. The girl's face lights up like a Christmas tree.

"I can't accept this," she says trying to give it back.

"Sure you can," I smile at her, "and you will. I only recorded these thanks to you, really."

"What if someone else gets their hands onto it, what if the songs leak ?" She panics, "this is too much responsibility."

"The songs should be out in a few hours anyway, it doesn't matter to me," I reassure her.

"Thank you," she says pulling me into a hug.

"No, thank you," I smile at her.

I pay Beatriz for the studio hours, the help, and the time, thanking the two women. João drove us back to his house after and rushed me upstairs to his room for a nap.

"I'll cancel the club," he says pulling his phone from his pocket as he set me on his bed.

"All I need is a power nap," I reassure him, "I'll be good as new in an hour or two."

"I don't like the sound of that," he sighs.

"Swear, I'm fine," I say placing a kiss on his lips. "Goodnight," I mumble as he adjusts me under the blankets.

"Goodnight," he says kissing my forehead.

"Wake me up in an hour," I tell him.

"Mhm," he hums.

That asshole did not wake me up in an hour. It's currently 9:37PM and I'm awoken by the loud sounds of my phone ringing.

"Hello," I say in a groggy voice not even checking caller ID.

"Did you just wake up ?" Fernanda asks.

"Mhm," I admit.

"Oh my god," she groans, "are you guys not coming tonight?"

"I want to, but I don't know, João is adamant about me getting some sleep," I sigh.

"I understand," she says trying to hide the disappointment in her tone.

"I just need like forty minutes to get ready," I tell her getting out of bed. Honestly, I'm tired, and I'd rather cancel, I however, don't like feeling like I'm disappointing someone.

"It's okay, don't worry about it, maybe next time you're around," she says.

"How far do you live ?" I ask, "can you come over, help me get ready ?"

"I'm with Ivone," she states.

"How fast can you guys get here ?" I ask.

"We'll be there shortly," she says.

We hang up and I head over to João's closet throwing on a small black dress.

"You're awake," João says walking in, "and you look hot."

"You didn't wake me up," I groan throwing a heel at him.

"Oww," he groans rubbing his leg. "You're supposed to be getting some sleep," he says, "not getting ready for a night out."

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