T H I R T Y - T H R E E

452 3 0

Monday, December 5, 2022 10:15AM

I woke up this morning and left for practice with Kaká. I texted João not to say anything to anyone. I was currently on my way back to my hotel room to shower and get ready since I'd be meeting Mason Mount for breakfast.

"Sofia," I hear João's voice as I finish changing.

"What ?" I say walking out of the bathroom.

"Have they texted again ?" He asks.

"Will you shut up," I say, "someone could here you. You didn't tell anyone did you ?"

"Not a word to anyone," he says recalling the text I sent him this morning.

"No, but I'll figure it out, it's my problem, forget about it," I tell him.

"Don't do this, especially not now," he says.

"I'll be fine, okay, I'll figure it out," I say.

"Is there's something you're not telling me ?" He asks.

"Not you being concerned like you didn't keep stuff from me," I say.

I pull my phone out to call my dad.

"I'm just now processing what the surprise was," I smile into the phone, "you didn't have to."

"It should've been here days ago," he said, "it was delayed."

"What's the address on the paper ?" I ask.

"A safe location you can go to drive," he says.

"Thank youuu," I say, "I love you."

"And I love you, what are you up to today ?" He asks.

"Same as yesterday really, but I'm grabbing breakfast with Mount first, we'll talk tomorrow ?" I ask.

"Yeah, in person ?" He says hopeful.

"Of course, I miss my daddy," I smile.

"And I miss my little girl," he says.

"Bye dad," I say.

"Bye Sofia," he says and we hang up.

Soon enough Nessa, Cooper, Cris and Hugo walk into the room.

"Ah you two are here," Cris says. "Let's grab breakfast."

"Sofia," João says.

"Drop it," I roll my eyes, "I promised Mason I'd grab breakfast with him," I smile at Cris.

"But, but João finally came out of his room," he complained.

"And he shaved ?" Hugo comments.

I smile, "I'll see you guys before the game okay ?" I say kissing Cris's cheek, "Nessa let's go."

"Sofia we need to talk about it," João says.

"No, we don't, I'm gonna figure this out, okay, stay out of it, I shouldn't have dragged you into it," I say.

"What's going on ?" Cris asks.

"Nothing baby, it's nothing," I say looking over at João for some back up.

"Prank texts Sofia got last night," João says, "it's nothing."

"See, everything is fine," I smile at him, "I'll see you before the games okay, behave," I kiss his head.

"You two were together last night ?" Hugo asks.

João winks at Hugo and I hit his chest "hardly," I roll my eyes.

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