"He's over there with Vini," Cris says pointing him out.

"Hey, did dad ever tell you anything about how I got home ?" I ask.

"No, why ?" He asks.

"Because he never asked me," I say.

"He didn't say anything to me," Cris shrugs, "we're in the clear."

"I suppose," I say as we walk over to the pair.

"I'll call dad and let him know we've landed," Cris says as Vini and Camavinga greet us.

As I was about to spark up conversation with the boys, my phone begins to ring in my pocket. I dig for it, taking the call.

"Amor, I'll call you back in like an hour or so, I just landed," I say.

"I know," I hear João's voice on the other side, "when's your flight to England ?"

"The 9th, at 7:15PM, why ?" I ask.

"Okay, I'll see you soon," he says, "I love you, bye."

"I love you," I say before he hangs up. I'm confused, but not enough to call him back, I'm with my friends, I'll ask about it later."

"Dad said to call him later," Cris says approaching us.

"Where to ?" Edu asks.

"Food," Vini says and I laugh.

"I agree, I'm starving," I say.

We walk out of the airport and to the car. The guys help us get our luggage into Edu's car. We all pile in, Edu driving us to a popular restaurant around.

When we arrive, we head inside taking a random booth. A waitress comes over taking our order and walks away leaving us to converse.

"Soooo," Vini trails off looking over at me.

"I know what's on your mind," I sigh, "but can we talk about anything that isn't drama or boys ?" I ask hopeful.

"I wanted to talk about next season," he laughs.

"Oh, I'm definitely excited for that," I smile.

"Do you guys still have your eye on Mbappé ?" Cris asks.

"Florentino is quite stubborn," Vini laughs.

"Do you reckon he'll ever sign ?" I ask Edu.

"Why ask me ?" He asks.

"He's your fellow Frenchman," I laugh.

"I don't know," he laughs, "I'll try to convince him, but that's as far as I can go, he won't tell me."

"Why don't you guys just sign someone else ?" Cris asks.

"Tell Florentino," Vini says, "we've tried."

"Don't you guys like need a striker ?" Cris asks.

"It's not urgent now, we've still got Benzema," Vini says.

"Yes, but if he leaves us this summer, we're fucked," Edu laughs.

"Sof's coming in the summer," Cris says as the waitress drops off our food.

"Yes, but I can't play with them," I laugh.

"Maybe you can help us convince Florentino that we have to start looking elsewhere," Vini says.

"I don't know if he'd listen to me," I admit, "does he have his eye anywhere else, for other positions ?"

"Midfield, Bellingham, and there's talks of the Turkish star," Edu says, "I forgot his name."

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now