Cristiano: [current location]
Get an Uber, mom and dad are asleep.

Me: The app isn't working, come get me 😩

Cristiano: Get Lyft

Me: Cristiano, please 😩

I notice someone trying to get my attention and I set my phone down.

"Sofia, oh my god," the guy says, "huge fan, of your dad too !"

"Oh, hey," I smile politely, "thanks for the support, did you want a photo ?"

"Yeah, actually," he says, "if you can, that'd be great."

I get up off the chair and smile for the picture as he snaps it and he thanks me.

"You okay ?" He asks as I fall back onto the chair.

"Peachy," I smile at him, "just waiting on my ride."

"Oh I can give you a lift," he proposes.

"That's sweet, I appreciate the offer, but my ride is already on its way," I say.

"Well, if you need anything, I'll be over here," he says pointing to the gift shop, "I work there so I'll be around a while."

"Thank you," I smile at him again before he goes away.

I turn my attention to my phone once again.

Cristiano 🤍

Cristiano: I'm not waking up mom and dad

Me: A stranger just offered me a ride, when you see my organs on the black market, I hope you feel all the guilt.

Cristiano: You're so dramatic !
I don't have a license

Me: You know how to drive, steal the damn car.

Cristiano: I can't leave the kids alone

Me: They're not alone, mom and dad are there !

Cristiano: When dad yells at me for stealing the car, you better take the blame.

Me: Yeah, yeah

I wait for a few more minutes until Cristiano tells me he's outside. I get up, dragging my suitcases behind me. When I step outside, I look around, and quickly spot him. He opens the trunk and I stick my stuff inside.

"Can you drive ?" He asks.

"Dude, I just got off a long flight, I'd rather not," I say getting in on the passenger seat.

"You're such a baby," he says starting the car. "I liked the album, by the way."

"Technically," I say, "it's not an album, but thanks."

"Ep, whatever," he rolls his eyes. "Have you talked to Lisandro at all ?"

"No," I sigh, "what do you know ?"

He sighs, "your ex is on twitter running his mouth again. Just him, not his mom. Called you a bitch and a hoe... Lisandro put him in his place and shut him up."

I scroll through twitter physically gagging at Hayes' tweets, not only because he had the fucking audacity, but because it's cringy and icky. I look through Lisandro's tweets and I can't help but smile; I'm mad at him, but he's right, and it makes me feel nice to know he still has my back.

"Not Lisandro exposing me saying I destroyed myself over that man," I groan, "god he makes me sound so pathetic."

"That was pretty pathetic of you," he shrugs.

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now