She smiles at me, "I feel the exact same way." She sighs, "you've awoken the Sofia that I had buried under my old priorities, my dad told me I started prioritizing my ex at some point and while my career is still intact and I did everything well, my personal priorities went to shit: my dad and I argued a lot, I didn't visit my family as often, and when I would, I wouldn't stay very long as I often do, my whole world seemed to revolve around him. Now things are different. You don't overwhelm and control my life, you integrate into it, you know, you keep me grounded and make sure I remember about everyone else around me, you don't let me get lost in the just you and I."

"Well not forever," I laugh, "I do allow you to get lost in our moments but not forever. We push each other to be better versions of ourselves, we've both been fucked over and struggle with with our issues, but we work through them rather than pick fights and point fingers. I like the girl I fell in love with, I wouldn't dream of changing you, you have your own life, I have mine, we're two people trying to find the perfect midpoint, the perfect balance, the perfect blend of our lives, not allowing my life to consume yours or yours mine.

"Is part of the reason I want to play with Chelsea because you're there ?" I ask, "absolutely, but I've done my research this time around and I see a club I'd like to be part of. Think of this, if you were still playing with Man United, I would not blindly follow you to United, I want out of Atlético, but not to go ride the bench at United and be miserable. My point is, we figure out how to blend together, equal parts, that's why our communication is important."

"Love the way you communicated with me about Chelsea," she says.

"Fair," I laugh, "but I'm being honest when I say you were a factor in the decision, a factor, meaning one of the factors, not the only one. I'm surprised your dad didn't let it slip."

"My dad knew ?" Her eyes widen. She slips her phone out of her purse catching my attention.

"Who knew he can keep a secret," I joke.

She rolls her eyes at me, "I'm calling my dad."

"He won't answer," I tell her, "what time is it ?"

"8:57," she states.

"Yeah, he won't answer, your mom won't answer either," I tell her.

"My mom always answers," she say, "no matter the time, what have you done ?"

I laugh, "they'll call you at 9:30."

"Why are you being so vague ?" She groans slapping my hand. "It's weird and creepy, stop it."

"Sorry, I'm nervous," I admit. "I'm in love with you," I start.

"No, stop," she interrupts me, "you can't do this, not now."

"What am I doing ?" I play innocent.

"You insult me, you said you had a ring," she says.

"I have two," I confirm, "tonight you get one," I pat my pants pockets to not find the box. "Fuck," I murmur "you'll get it at home," I groan.

She laughs, "you are such an idiot."

"The biggest one in the world," Hugo says coming up behind me plopping a small box on the table. "I'll give you two a minute and go order us some dessert."

Sof eyes the box cautiously. "I'm not getting on a knee tonight, I'm not stupid enough to propose to you with the most important people in our lives missing," I open the box, "but I'm promising you one day." I reach for her hand as I meet her eyes. I take the ring out of the box slipping it on her finger.

"Wrong hand," she whispers.

"Engagement ring goes on this hand no ?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, this is a promise ring, right ?" She asks, "people tend to put promise rings on the other hand, well at least that's what I've heard."

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя