[30] nothing new

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i can't even remember what time i went to bed... let alone got home. all i know is that i took one last shot before i went to sleep when i got dropped off by balde and ansu.

well, three. the other two were on behalf of my parents who couldn't make it.

now i can say i've sobbed once today.

i was so upset after coming home to an empty house that i threw all the gifts to the side so i can open them and cheer myself up in the morning.

so the second i got up, i brushed my teeth and decided breakfast would be thrown aside till i find out what everyone got me and send messages as fast as possible.

i sat at the corner of my room with so many bags, wrapped objects, and cards. i opened those first and smiled to myself at the silly ones people like lewandowski gave me.

it was a minions one and he put in parentheses that he got it because he said that the three reminded him of me, ansu, and balde. it was cute and i already had my box of cards from every birthday i ever had next to me to store it for a lifetime.

when that finished, i got to the rest and was gagged to see so many good stuff.

i got the cutest tote bag from ana; lewandowski's wife, filled with the essentials. everything down to a brush, fuzzy socks, and skin care was in there.

i'm definitely sending her a huge paragraph.

and it only kept coming when ferran got me the cutest purse that he and sira pick out.

the card had their initials in it too.

when i got to alexia's, i found a box from pandora. the more i opened the box, i found out that it correlated today perfectly. it was a cupid charm with a note saying,

"nuestro verdadero ángel cupido. (our true cupid angel)"

everything about it was perfect. i even thought it was done there, but the most beautiful matching necklace was in another box i didn't even see.

i finally got to open joão' too. it was the cutest polo ralph lauren sweater with a gift card to sephora which i appreciated because i knew that if i was gonna treat myself, it'd be on new products.

after a while, i had thought i got around to everything, but i saw one all the way closest to my bed and crawled over there.

i got to check the time too and realized how early i'd gotten up. it was eight in the morning and i wasn't too exhausted from last night.

i can't even tell if that's a good thing.

i look at the bag more closely and realize it's the same one gavi gave me. i failed to notice how cute it was from how dark it was in there, but the lighting now had me admiring the white bag covered in gold stars.

something about me and gold will always do it.

i wore it so much as a kid that it's almost impossible for me to be seen without it. that doesn't mean i don't switch it up every once in a while, though.

so i find myself at the edge of my bed pulling out all the tissue paper when i see four wrapped objects. a long box, a slightly smaller and squared one, another wrapped in the same tissue paper... and the last is oddly thin. no doubt that caught my attention first to take out and tear open... only to see the bold numbers of 1989.

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