Chapter 3: Magic Learning

Start from the beginning

"Issei!" Someone had called him from above, Issei turned to see a familiar looking one winged angel floating down from above as she greeted him with a smile. 

"How is your training going on, Young man?" Issei looked at her and responded

"It has been going quite well...I have been learning Holy Light would be useful against Demonic Enemies..." Willow nodded, noticing the gloves present on his hands. She saw the incantation circle on them. 

"So that's how you practice...?" Willow spoke deducing what could be magic learning, "You use magic gloves so you get a grasp on the magic you wish to learn, and eventually you remove these gloves and use the magic without learning them, right?" Issei nodded in understanding as he spoke

"Yep, that was how I learned most of my magic. Dragon Fire Magic was easier since it was ingrained into my memory, the others...I had to learn from scratch..." Issei continued, "I never actually wanted to learn Holy Light Magic, but since I wish to create a new magic...something Arcadia has never seen..." Willow nodded in agreement. Issei soon took a seat and Willow sat beside him. 

"Kid, what you are trying to do? It's ambitious, I would advise you to slow down..." Issei nodded in understanding and responded

"Yes, sensei.." Willow then looked at the boy and asked something he never thought she was going to ask

"Issei, may I ask you a question?" Issei looked at her and nodded. 

"Where are your parents? And what happened to them?" Issei widened at the question he asked, he never thought that she would be asking that question to him of all things. 

Opening Start

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[This heart gives the smallest glow, I think that I can see it show ,Your eyes have a spark, you know, Open them and see me go]

Issei is seen looking at the Arcadian capital in awe, with seeing the Academies fight'.
The Arc Siblings show their fighting skills.
With Issei showing his skills assisting the Original 15 in their mission.

[This world never knew my game, Hope I have a chance to stay]
A scene of Issei's past is shown, where everyone mocks him.
He wonders if it is worth saving these people, anymore.

[These arms, are worn, and never fading, The cold air is never waiting]
Issei walks the scenes of Kuoh, saddened by how his past was ruined, taken away by his brother.
He grits his teeth in anger, as he punches an image of his family.

[Had me going, my friend, I'm so blind, I can't stand ,Left alone with your hand,I think that I can see your eyes]
Issei is seen talking and training alongside a White Haired Woman, wielding a Katana.
For the first time, he felt a bond with someone, as a silhouette of the Big 3 is shown.

[And the past can show you, All the life we've been through]
A memory of his asking to be trained by Azazel is shown, as he ignores him.
He tried to ask Grayfia for training but she rejected him, he was persistent only for someone to threaten him with death.

[Lost and gone and frozen but I'm just..,I'm always running]
Issei gritted his teeth, shattering his memories, as he runs to Arcadia with his new family.
The settlements of Arcadia is shown, with different cities being shown. Issei and Nyx walk across them with awe in their eyes.
The scene changes to Persephone and Hades studying in their respective Academies, learning more.
Issei is seen having a friendship with the members of the Original 15 along with Nyx, with a silhouette of the Shadow being shown.

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