"i mean, i kind of understand where she was coming from—"

"she's rubbing her insanity on of you!"

"fernando!" both pedri and i yell. at least now i had someone to back me up. "i'm just saying because i've never spoken this much to camile since the gala!"

"and do you find that to be a good thing or a bad thing?"

how do they want me to answer that?

we still aren't close, but if ana had her suspicions then it must not be the greatest thing to have happened. "i don't really... care."

"you suck." pedri never has anything to rebuttal with other than that. but honestly, it'll do it every time. "but it's definitely not bad!" she isn't, and i'll swear by that.

i just kinda wish it didn't have to affect what i could have with ana.

and i make sure to tell these two that. "except camile has nothing to do with that. it's just ana."

i hate that i agree with pedri.

"i told her something similar," especially after an unexpected visit just to tell me that. "i told her she shouldn't even be worrying because we hardly know each other and that this whole thing wouldn't be happening if she didn't overthink it."

"you said that?"

"porque tan sorprendido? (why so surprised?)" i ask fernando from next to me. "oh you know why."

i roll my eyes at him and pedri laughs at us. "tiene razón. (he's right)"

"it was a one time thing!" are they forgetting i apologized to camile?! "good to know you aren't committing it again." it's slowly starting to become unbearable to be around them. "yeah whatever." i say.

"ay pobrecito, como que lo ofendimos a pablito. (poor thing, it's like we offended pablito)"

"deja! (leave me alone!)"

i didn't need them ringing my neck and making fun of me.

"wait leave him for a second!" after pedri yelled that, all our attention went back to the tv which is what pedri was motioning for in the first place.

camile had the ball she received from cata as she stood right in the midfield.

keira and aitana are more than open. jonatan even motions to that from the sideline. "what is she—" but i shush fernando because it's obvious she's waiting for a player to approach her to take the ball.

or at least try to.

they take the hint and run towards her, but she moves so swiftly to her left, passing the midfield like nothing.

it's like theres an invisible string connecting her to the ball. it's something she can't lose even if someone tried.

but for a moment, we all thought someone was.

a player put their foot in the way but she easily picked it up and jumped over, bringing it back down with a head bump and continued her run. "they're gonna corner her." even pedri didn't wanna say it loud because all his attention was on the screen, but he was right, they cornered her to the left, now far from the post.


"deja de dudar. (stop doubting)" i don't know how fernando managed to say what i was thinking when pedri spoke again, but he did because this was nothing for her.

i meant what i said to her.

her mind was so complex on what to do when under pressure.

she'll always be the better 30.

i don't know why for a second she let the interviewers get to her head. it was clear that she'd live up to her name in a matter of years and actually be considered barca's future.

and while i will always take it as a compliment when i receive it, she deserves the title too.

she stepped over the ball countless of times enough to dizzy a defender. it was so clean that it didn't look like she was doing much till the defender was behind her and she picked up the ball with her right foot and kicked it aiming for the far right corner where it brushed the keepers glove and found it's way into the back of the net.

"jesus christ." i finally say after being the most silent one here.

all her teammates go running to her in the corner with the rest of the stadium that seems packed tonight, too.

"i'll never get how she does it."

"i don't think you're meant to." i say.

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