WHO is the PAWN..?

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Janaki's sudden outburst left everyone in the room dumbfounded. Her declaration had sent shockwaves through the atmosphere, leaving the room in an awkward silence. Yet, amidst the confusion, there was a subtle, enigmatic smile playing on Abhi's lips.

Maya and Shastri exchanged bewildered glances. The shock of Janaki's unexpected revelation hung heavy in the air, leaving them both searching for words that seemed to elude them.

Shastri, in particular, was acutely aware of the gravity of the situation. He knew Abhi better than anyone else in the room, perhaps even better than Abhi knew himself.

When Abhi made up his mind about something, it was like the unyielding force of nature, an immovable object. Once he declared his decision, there was no turning back.

Shastri's mind raced as he contemplated the situation. Abhi had made it abundantly clear that he did not want Maya to be a part of his life, and he had even gone so far as to tell Shastri to leave. This was a dilemma Shastri had never anticipated.

As he sat there, deep in thought, Shastri wrestled with conflicting emotions.On one hand, he yearned for Ranvi's help. On the other hand, he didn't want to involve her, in this delicate matter. Shastri had kept his own feelings for Maya hidden from Ranvi.

As Shastri lost himself in contemplation, Maya, burdened with a heavy heart, took tentative steps toward Abhi. Her face wore an expression of sorrow, a reflection of the turmoil within her."Brot..." she began to say, but before her voice could fully form his name, Abhi swiftly interjected, his words cutting through the air like a blade. "Don't."

His abrupt interruption left Maya stunned, her voice quashed before it had the chance to reach his ears. Abhi's actions spoke louder than any words he might have uttered in that moment. The distance between them, once bridged by the unspoken bonds of sibling love, had grown into a chasm of silence and unexpressed emotions.

Ranvi, as a family who had watched the relationship between Maya and Abhi evolve over the years, stood nearby in disbelief. This was a side of Abhi she had never witnessed before. The two siblings, usually inseparable and jovial, had always shared an unbreakable bond. They'd had their fair share of minor quarrels, the sort that siblings engaged in, but never had she seen them engage in such a serious dispute.

Ranvi's perplexed expression mirrored the collective shock in the room. She couldn't fathom the cause of this sudden discord between the siblings, nor could she predict where it might lead. The palpable tension in the room hung heavy, casting a shadow over the otherwise harmonious relationships that had once defined their bond.

In the midst of the charged atmosphere, Abhi's voice cut through the tension like a knife. His words were laced with a mixture of anger, frustration, and a hint of disbelief.

"Do you really think I would agree to this marriage...? Am I looking like a fool...? Do you know how many hopes Mom and Dad have pinned on you...? How can you do this to them...?" Abhi's voice quivered with the weight of unspoken disappointment.

Maya stood before him, her eyes brimming with tears, her heart heavy with the realization of the rift that had formed between her and her brother. His words struck a painful chord, and the gravity of her actions bore down on her like an unbearable burden.

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