His pov

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As they left in the other car, I went and sat next to Ranvi, who was still in a deep sleep. I put her head on my shoulder while keeping my finger on her other shoulder from the back of her neck. I wanted this moment to end here.

As I was admiring her beautiful smile on her face, a ringing phone brought me back to reality. I immediately set my phone in silent mode and looked at Ranvi to ensure she was not disturbed.

'Am I paying money just to be disturbed?' I asked my PA Shastry coldly, watching Ranvi restlessly just in case she heard my voice.

'Mr. CEO, where are you. We have an important meeting to deal with. We are all waiting for you to arrive.' he started his naggings

'Should I tell you my where abouts? '

'Mr.CEO, people are waiting for you since the past five hours. I could not handle your absence'

"If you cannot handle my absence for even five hours, then why am I paying you five lakhs a month?"I asked lazily.

"I was managing that until now, Mr. CEO. We needed your signatures as soon as possible so that Mr. Rajeev's 10 million dollar deal would go through in order" he replied uttering terror in my voice

"Cancel the stupid deal, Nothing matters more to me than the person beside me right now", so I replied in the same vein and disconnected the call.

Then I made her lean on the headboard of the seat and began driving towards our home. I steered the car so Ranvi wouldn't disturb her sleep.

After half an hour, we reached home. I parked the car in our garage and carried her in bridal style up to her bedroom.

I have opened her room door with one leg, laying her on her bed while holding her in my arms. I left her there while giving her a kiss on the forehead and whispering 'I'm back'. I so wanted to taste her rosy lips, but I was resisting for now.

Just when I was about to leave her room, my heart made me return to her. I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and left.

"Abhi , what have you done just now.?", I was yelling, self-blaming myself.

If this is how I behaves when she is around me , it's better for her to stay away from me . I know I will loose control over myself without touching her. So it's better to both of us if i stay away from her atleast she competes her graduation.

So I finally made a vow to myself that I will stay away from her atleast till she completes her Graduation. I know it's hard to stay away from her but still it's for her future.

Almost an hour later, as I was pressing keys on my laptop, I heard Maya saying, 'Ranvi, you woke up.'

When I turned my head and looked outside, I had seen something moving down the stairs. I wondered if she had any idea about the peck I had given her.

I locked my laptop, laid it aside, and went downstairs. I saw my devil sister playing a video game on her mobile. I was disappointed to find that Ranvi was not there with her. So my devil sister played with me again.

As I glanced around the living room, Maya teasingly asked "What Annayya(Bro...)? looking for someone?". I ignored her and settled into the couch and began scrolling through the business updates on my mobile.

There was this feeling that Ranvi was there. I turned up my head to catch a glimpse of her settling next to my mom wearing a simple salwar. I so wanted to talk to her. But it's not the right time now.

"Annayya (brother) , Have this juice. You look exhausted after carrying around 50 kg." , When I turned my head to the side, a glass of orange juice was placed in front of me. Then I realized Maya had caught me carrying Ranvi to her room.

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