Pervert Abhi

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Karthik woke up as the bright sunrays touched his bare face. He couldn't open his eyes as the pain in his head made him feel like he was being struck with a hammer. He held his head with both hands in an effort to reduce the pain. Suddenly, he remembered the previous night when he had called Chaitu and how he had spoken to her. He then remembered hitting the glass door but couldn't remember anything after that.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he scanned the room. To his surprise, it was his bedroom in his own penthouse. As he was scanning his room with his eyes roaming around the room, he saw a piece of paper on the bedside table. With his eyes lowered and knitted together, he looked at the letter. Then, taking a deep breath, he calmed himself, slowly opening the letter and beginning to read it.

"I would have loved to be there and smack your ass for your foolishness at this very moment, however my wife is missing me, so better thank her for saving you" , is it your wife that missed you or the other way around. Karthik chuckled and continued reading the letter.

"A small gift from my side. You can thank me later. I know your skill set, so my hard work won't go to waste. Thanks to Chari for doing his best to get it done", Karthik's face brightens up as he looks at the address in the middle of the letter, if his memory serves him right, it should be near Hyderabad.

Since his phone was broken from his last night acts, Abhi had already replaced it with a new phone. He grabs the mobile from the table as he found it on the bedside.

Thanking Abhi for the new mobile, he dials Abhi's number. In his excitement because he got Sana's address , before giving a chance to the other person who answered the phone, he said, "Love you so much darling..Ummahh."

Ranvi who answered the phone as Abhi went to the washroom was speechless after hearing Karthik's words.
She cleared her throat, not knowing what to say, and sighed
"Hi Karthik Annayya (brother). Abhi Bava is in the washroom"; by the time she finishes, Abhi comes out of the washroom. Then she hands him the cell phone and leaves the room. Her lips are tightened together as she blinks her eyes.

The way her behavior towards him made Abhi raise his brows, and he took the phone.

Abhi with so much of confusion answers the call while looking at the departing figure.


"Sorry for.."

"what did you say to her..?", asks coldly
"That .."
"I asked you something .."
"That , "
"Don't swallow your words and tell me what made her behave like that"

"I thought you were the one who answered the call and said "

"Said what?",

"Love you so much darling..", saying that Karthick disconnects the call as he can imagine the furious Abhi razing with anger. He very well knows that Abhi wouldn't even think twice before kills him if he would have told him about the kissing part.

Abhi's pov :

I hate Kartick for being such an idiot. It would have been so much easier if he were standing in front of me.
Suddenly, my whole image has been ruined. How could I face her now? However, I did nothing wrong, didn't I? So why bother? Let's meet her. That determination drove me to the kitchen in search of her.
Because it is Sunday, Ranvi doesn't need to go to college, and Meerama is asked to take a break from work. Despite having work to do, I want to spend time with Ranvi, so I'm working from home.

After I had wandered around the whole house searching for her, I finally found her in the kitchen doing something as she turned in another direction.

Since she wore a saree, her bare waist was visible, and her waist-length hair was flowing freely. This was enough to make me go crazy.

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